Your Wish is My Command

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 I found myself walking around town with Diego and Josh, thankfully Davina didn't come.  

"Wow this is so much better than I expected."    

"So what do you want to do?" Diego asked.  

"I don't know, this is my first time out" I replied.  

"How about we go to a bar?" Josh suggested.  

"I'm 17" I said bluntly.  

"I'm sure you'll find something to do" Diego said smirking, obviously considering Josh's suggestion.  

In the end it was 2 against 1 so we went to the bar after all. It turned out to be a good thing, since Diego and Josh were doing shots they didn't notice me sneaking out. I ended up inside an ice cream shop buying a coconut chocolate small cup and eating it as I finished enjoying my time outside.  

I sat in front of a fountain playing with the water, making it freeze or creating whirlpools with my commands, when a sudden voice snapped me out of my thoughts.    

"You shouldn't do that where people can see Zara.Why aren't Diego and Josh with you? I thought your father had them accompany you" Marcel said.  

Great, just great 

"Last time I checked they were busy doing shots but that was a while ago, so right now they are probably dirty dancing with some girls that happen to be just a drunk as they are to not notice that they are going to die at the hands of a vampire" I rambled.   

"But don't worry, I haven't tried anything; Unless you consider using compulsion on a cashier so I could have a free ice cream" I finished.   

"You sure are something special" Marcel said taking a seat beside me.  

"You say it like it's a bad thing, but in reality it's the best thing there is, being different, unique; no one can compare"   

"I never said it was a bad thing, everyone wants to be different, to stand out" he replied looking straight into my eyes, surprise spreading across his face as he realized my eyes weren't the same color.  

"Stop staring it's creepy, I used to have a brown contact for my blue eye so people wouldn't make remarks on it, but ever since I came here I just put them on sometimes when I know I'm going to face Davina, but today I forgot" I said.  

"You really hate her, huh?" He said amused.  

"Hate is a really strong word, let's just say if she where on fire I'd probably be the one putting the spell on her" I replied with grin actually imagining the scene while Marcel chuckled.  

"What about me?" he said.  

Fuck a two dollar bill and a silver dollar coin honey if I give a fuck about you thats really a collectors edition 

"Don't flatter yourself, as if I'd actually think of killing you" I said.  

"Why not?"  

"I value my dagger-less life thank you very much, besides I'd just be ordered to bring you back" I replied.  

"Bring me back? You can do that?" He asked with voice filled with awe, but also malice.   

Shit. I talk too much, seriously. 

"Oh did I? Oops, sorry that ice cream must have had some liqour in it, bye gotta go find Diego and Josh it's getting late!" I said rushing to get away from Marcel.  

"But it's 9 o clock!" Marcel screamed.  

"I get cranky if I don't sleep bye!" I said picking up my pace.  

Seriously what is wrong with me? What was I doing talking with him anyway? Let's just hope he keeps his mouth shut.  Now moving on ,where the actual fuck am I?  

"Boo" a sudden voice said causing me to turn around to find two young looking lads, both brunette and fairly taller than me.  

"May I help you?" I questioned.  

"I just wanted to say you look like a dream" the guy smirked clearly pleased with his stupid pick up line.  

"Then go back to sleep" I said turning my back on him.  

"Oh come on, don't be like that" the other one said.  

I'm sorry but do you know the meaning of contempt? 

"Who are you?" I said with a hint of annoyance.  

"I'm Eren Krause and this is my brother Mateo" the boy now known as Eren said.  

"What do you want?" I asked.  

"You, Zara Mikaelson" He said dangerously before trying to grab me.  

I didn't even flinch, instead I focused on a spell that was rather simple but it would scare him off.   

*quasso, quasso, quasso.  

I saw Eren on the floor thrashing, the sound of his bones cracking and his screaming filled my ears. Mateo desperately trying to save his brother tried to distract me.  

No, you are not interfering.

*Surrexit autem spins involvit corpus meum, surrexit autem spins involvit corpus meum, surrexit autem spins involvit corpus meum!  

Mateo shouted in agony as invisible thorns started to wrap around his body making little holes appear leaving blood behind, soon he looked like a cheese with a lot of holes.  

I smiled knowing that I had done well even if they were minor spells.  

All of the sudden Marcel, Father and a bunch of vampires from the inner circle appeared  out of nowhere, clearly surprised at what I was doing.  

I stopped for moment and gave Eren and Mateo a small smile.  

"That was fun" I mumbled loud enough so only both of them could hear, but continued to make them suffer by bending their limbs in an unnatural way.  


"Zara, what do you think you are doing?" Marcel questioned with a calm tone.  

"It's called self-defense, don't worry they'll live" I replied  

"Zara you have to stop" Marcel said, suddenly nervous.  

"Why should I?" I asked innocently.  

"Just listen to me Zara, they've had enough"   

"No" I said turning my attention back to the twins.  

"You can't mess with them Zara, let them be!" Marcel shouted.  

"Zara, stop. Now." Father said.  

This time I actually listened and left Eren and Matteo rest, they looked like they were expecting it.  

I turned to face Father and started walking towards him. For no apparent reason it felt like this moment was in slow motion. Out of nowhere I heard a faint voice say "now". At this moment everything started to happen so fast. A lot of people in uniforms which I had never seen before started to appear and take out vampires from the inner circle.  

Eren and Matteo got up and walked towards me and pinned my arms to my back so I couldn't move. Eren bit my neck while Matteo bit my collarbone. My fear and anxiety wouldn't let me think of a spell and I started to worry about my Father   I let out an ear piercing scream before passing out in Eren's arms.  

Father, please don't leave me alone. I don't want to leave your side. 


Command Glosary:

Quasso: break

Surrexit autem spinas involvit corpus meum: rose thorns wrapped around my body

Inflexio: bend

Hi again! This chapter is just a filler also comment if you think that Zara should meet the TVD characters or if you'd like next chapter to be Klaus's POV.

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