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Klaus's POV:

As I watched Eren and Mateo bite Zara's neck the feeling of wrath washed over me. I had started to make my way towards them but in the blink of an eye everyone was gone.(a/n Eren and Mateo took Zara. Some of their "soldiers" remained fighting) 

I shouted at the top of my lungs and ripped the heart out of some of the remaining "soldiers" and turned to Marcel.

"Who are they?" I asked through clenched teeth

"Eren and Mateo Krause, they are part of the Modern Vampire Monarchy, they're still going to the academy" Marcel replied

Those fools don't know who they are messing with.

The Modern Vampire Monarchy is an association created by aristocrats, who are vampires from birth and are relatively stronger than the average vampire, the current leader is a young man called Sebastian Abott. Aristocrats feel superior so they have labelled turned vampires as  "Obracet"; The sons or daughters of the aristocrats are called Purebloods and a very rare and nearly nonexistent type of vampire is called "Pod kouzlem" which literally means under a spell. Pod kouzlem start off being normal humans who turn into vampire because of a spell, the reason they are so rare is because the spell needs to be performed by a powerful witch and only one has ever been able to do it without dying. The Obracet are looked down upon, the Pod Kouzlem are legends, The Purebloods and Aristocrats are worshiped but there's also a kind of vampire that is hated and feared by the monarchy, those are the Zloduch vampires.

The Zloduch vampires are normal vampires that involve themselves with dark magic and end up being possesed by demons. They are completely unstable and dangerous which makes them a big threat to any kind of vampire. Zloduch kill vampires and drink their blood in order to make their body capable of holding more demons inside, the more they hold, they more dangerous and powerful they become.

Now I guess you are wondering were do we come in?

As the originals, my siblings and I are seen as "gods". The gods gave birth to the vampire race, and they believe we are dead. They are quite ignorant if I may add. Since I didn't want to deal with such people I had kept my mouth shut and a low profile, but with the status I have now I think it might be a little difficult to overlook the fact that I'm actually alive, and so are Rebekah and Elijah.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll go knock some sense into those benighted aristocrats. See you in 3 days" I said walking towards the compound.

I arrived there to find Hayley and Rebekah talking and approached them.

"Rebekah, I need your help" I said

"Why would the almighty Klaus need my help?"

"The Monarchy, they took her, they took Zara" I replied. Rebekah's expression suddenly changed from annoyed to angry.

"I'll go get Elijah and ask Davina if she can help out" Rebekah said running to find them both.

A few minutes later Rebekah came back with Elijah and a worried Marcel.

"She's gone. Davina's gone" Marcel said

"I don't understand, weren't the witches trying to kill her? Why would she escape?" Elijah said

"I don't know, maybe she found out about Agnes and she's mad?" Hayley said.I gave her a glare realizing what she was implying.

So you told her and she ran away, brilliant little wolf, just brilliant…

"Without Davina's help we'll have a hard time finding Zara; so my plan is we find Davina, bring her back and ask her to do a locator spell on Zara" Marcel said

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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