Losing Dignity

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I moved in with Klaus and Hayley into Marcel's and Klaus headquarters, yay {note the sarcasm}  

Turns out that the information I got about Klaus and Elijah's position was a bit out of date, Klaus just happens to be New Orleans co-king/ruler along with Marcel, but I still don't trust that guy ; I mean I wouldn't give up my home and my "troops" -  to put it that way -just because someone else threatened to kill me, I would try to kill them first of course, but that doesn't apply to this case, all I'm saying is that this bitch is far from done.  

Now, moving on to other news. Klaus is the best father I could ask for, he is caring, considerate, he yells at me when I do something wrong but loves me anyways. I couldn't be happier, of course he is kind of on edge lately since Hayley is giving him hell because she says he doesn't want the baby, although it's perfectly clear that he loves that baby just as much as he loves me.  

The only thing I hate about my current situation is that stupid brat Davina, she goes around all day claiming she's super powerful and she's the big deal, when in reality - nobody fucking cares.  

I've been helping Hayley find out more about her ancestors (Just so you know, I actually think of her like a stepmother even though she could be my sister I still like her) ,since I could easily tap into the other side but unfortunately all of her relatives were forgotten long ago, really weird but the truth nonetheless.    


5:00 pm  

I found myself strolling around the "castle" as I like to call it, but in reality it's a really big house, like REALLY big.  

Recently I found out that I have the ability to tap and talk with people on the other side, so I've been talking to Uncle Kol and Grandma Esther quite a lot since father got into a fight with both Elijah and Rebekah and he's been really busy so I don't see him as often as I'd like to. Also Klaus banned any night-walker to talk to me since he thinks they are, and I quote, "peasants  and a waste of time", I'm only allowed to talk to those in the inner circle,Marcel,Davina,that little club gay kid whose name I don't remember and Hayley. I've grown quite desperate because I want to rip the head off of most of my options.

"Ugh, I hate this, I swear if I ever meet that Elena girl I will kill her for you, you were just warning her to not do something stupid but she was just like, fuck you I do what I want and staked you it's not fair" I said ranting about Kol's death.  

"Zara I've told you countless times that I was trying to kill her brother" Kol replied.  

"So what? he had the Gilbert ring he was coming back anyways!" I exclaimed  and Kol chuckled.  

"You are just like your father Zara it's almost creepy" he said.  

"You say it like it's a bad thing" I retorted.  

"Touche" he said.  

"Tell me Kol did you even like Marcel when you were alive?" I asked.  

"Never met him, I was still rotting in that coffin then" Kol said.  

"Sorry for bringing up memories" I said with a sad smile.  

"Don't worry, I don't care about this thing anymore since I know that you will find a way to bring us all back!" He replied happily.   

"You got that right, but don't get your hopes up; it might take some time" I replied.  

"I don't care how much time it takes you and even if you don't pull it off I'll still be able to talk to you so it's alright" Kol said giving me a tight hug, which I didn't feel but returned anyway.  

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