chapter sixteen

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hi guys sorry i hvent updates as often as usual i had knee surgery last month had a few set backs a couple of weeks ago all fine now but having physical therapy three times a weeks and what with it been so close to christmas i have been super busy. however i will try to update as often as i can hopefully i can update. couple of my stories over the next few days. i am bringing this story to an end in a chapter or two the other reason i havent updated is i am writing a few stories which have not been published yet as i want to finsh the ones im currently updating  but the new ones will be coming soon.

Thank you for your support of my stories.

the plane landed and as it was late the kids were all tired so after struggling through the airport with tbree kids five suitcases they made their way to their tranfer car to go to the alantis.

as their luggage was placed on a trolley and pushed into the hotel for them rachel carrying pheobe followed with sebastian carrying louie whilst holding benjamin's hand followed the guy with the trolley to the check in desk.

" im tired" benjamin said as sebastian filled in the form at the desk

" i know sweetie we will get you to bed soon" rachel said stroking his hair

"all done " sebastian said taking pheobe from her to give her arms a rest as they all piled into the lift and geaded up to their room while both their sons were stood rubbing their eyes rachel and sebastian were staring into each others eyes with a mix of love and lust.

their suite was out of this world it had three bedrooms a large kitchen not that they had any desire to cook it had floor to ceiling windows the view was stunning it was nighttime in tbe Bahamas but the resort  was lit up around them their suite look out onto the beach and the ocean.

" welcome to the alantis we hope you will all be happy and relaxed here we have a chillded bottle of complimentary champagne and a botle of chilled fruit juice" the guy who had brought their luggage up told them

"thank you " sebastian said giving him a tip

" right then lets get you guys to bed" sebastian said as he put pheobe down to help rachel open the suitcase containing their pj's.

the boys were more than happy to share a room they had a single bed each the beds all looked comfy it was long till they were both fast asleep.

pheobe However had slept on the plane and though she looked tired was sat on the floor in the living doom padt of their suit playing with her doll.

"so two down one to go " sebastian said pulling racgel to him and kissing her

"yeah and maybe when she is asleep we could go to bed" rachel said

"yeah it has been a long day" sebastian said

"oh i wasnt talking about sleeping "rachel said

"i know that you are my other half after all" sebastian said still cuddling her as pheobe smiled up at them.

hlaft an hour later and pheobe was asleep in the room next to theirs as rachel was in their ensuitegetting ready for bed sebastian brought in a glass of champagne for her.

"thanks"she said taking the glass

" i cant help but think of our wedding day and ofcourse our honeymoon " he said

"oh god"rachel chuckled their honey moon was filled with laughter mostly at her exspence they had a great time a lot of sex and a lot of fun. their wedding day was perfect theor wedding night not exactly how their planned it to be but they made up for it on their honeymoon.


as rachel walked dpwn the aisle she saw her friends and family stood watching her yet there was only one face she was looking for as she saw sebastian stood at the front all gorgeous in his suite she couldnt help the grin on her face as she thought to herself i bagged him look at him he his hot and he is all mine.

as she reached the alter she turned to look at sebastian who was blatantly checking out her chicken fillet improved cleavage. 

Their vows were exchanged with both shedding tears of happiness rachel knowing how prone she was to accidents was pleased nothing bad had happened however that joy was short lived.

as the priest said kiss the bride sebastian not satisfied with just a kiss pulled rachel to him put his hands on her bum and had a feel which given most of the guests knew what he was like was met with cheers however his grandmother ivy was so shocked by the naughty act that here mouth fell open a d her false teeth fell into the baptism font causing his dad to grab them out.

then after that it as time for the photos to be taken wht coyld gp wrong with having a few photos taken as it turned out a few things. firstly their page boy joshua who was sebastian's cousin little boy had fallen over in the grass outside the church and was now covered in mud which rachel thought was adorable until he decided he wanted to stand near her in her beautiful white silk and satin gown. sebastian saw wherehe was heading and bent down t the three year olds levelto distract him from her dres which he seemed fiscated on. it worked until he decided to hug sebastian dirtying his suit but luckily it brushed off.

then as they arrived at tne location for the reception rachel's jimmy choo heel broke and she was forsed to go to their honeymoon suite to change shoes which now didnt match her dress.

the rest of the day passed without any hitch it was after they had bid goodnight to the very last few guests that things took a rather unexpected turn of events.

asthey reached their honeymoon suite a very tipsy sebastian was on her the second the dorwas shut rachel wanted him as much as he wanted her. she happily pushed off his blazer of his suite a d was unbuttoning his waistcoat then he started kissing her neck whist trying to unzip her dress however the zip was stuck. so he put the light on and had a look as best as he could in his tipsy state he leaned down go have a better look and his hair got caught in her tiara hair  lip which earlier had held her veil.

rache. could do anything as everytime she turned her head he yelled sebastian spent a gold half hour trying to detach himself from her but it made no difference so at 2.30am rachel had to ring her dads to come to their honeymoon suite to help remove her new husband who was stuck to her.

end of flashback

" have never been able to look hiram in the eye after that night" sebastian said

"yes but thst is your on fault" rachel said

"i was drunk i wasnt thinking clearly " sebastian said putting his hand up before they clim ed into the bed

"honestly thought why did you say it i mean they knew i was our wedding night but to say that to my own dads "rachel said


as her dads arrived at their dolr and rachel let them in with sebastian stood behind her hiram gave sebastian a funny look.

"so how did this happen"hiram asked as he managed to take the clip out of her hair making them both now free from it.

"i was trying to take her dress off " sebastian said

"seb"rachel said blushing infront of her dads

" i see"hiram said leroy couldn't do anything for laughing

" its okay i have seen her naked before"sebastian said then regreted it

"oh my god shut up " rachel hissed at him

"i just dont want them to think i was taking advantage of you just because we are married we have sex all the time" sebastian said and rachel slapped him whi h seemed to sober him up alittle.

end of flashback

" i still to this day cant believe you told my we had sex all the time" rachel said

"i know i dont know why i said it" he said chuckling

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