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Jarren~ 1 month later

"YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE LIKE THIS!" I yelled "sorry I have to I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. Everyone tries to raid us and everything bye Jarren." skylar said,she shut the door and I heard her get into her car then a screech of tires. I moped to my bedroom and cried into my pillow. GODDAMNIT I thought she does have a point Almost all our food has been either raided or eaten by us. I got my pack and my knife and walked outside. I needed to get some stuff.

A day later~ I finally arrived at my destination my Moms house. I snuck in the door I grabbed some of my clothes that were left here. Then I went into the living room, that's when I saw her my mom standing in the living room glaring at me with rotten eyes. She began to make gurgling noises I knew what I wanted in this room the picture of me and my mom on the beach in California. But mom was in the way. She started walking towards me, I cant kill her she's my mom. Then my other side of my brain said "its not her she's gone." I agreed with that side I  rushed forward and stabbed the monster in the head. I said "I'm sorry mom" and got the painting and left

I stared at the road thinking about my mom I pinned the picture of my mom up on the dashboard. I stopped the car and stared at the picture for a while. I shouldn't have done that. Just then about at least 20 lost ones came from the woods. the banged on my window, and finally broke it. I jumped back and grabbed for the keys. but my hands fumbled on them and dropped them. Right where i dropped them fumes started coming through the floorboard, window and air conditioning there was so much infected the poison mixed up and made even more fumes. I kicked open the other door and ran forgetting the picture. I only had my knife. the coastline was near I ran to it hopefully these things cant swim.

I ran to the water but tripped on a root sticking out of the sand "Fuck" I yelled one of them grabbed my arm I stabbed it in its fucking face. I scrambled up they were surrounding me I stabbed a few more, one of them charged at me but before I could stab it it tackled me I put my hands up to block it from biting my face. Then i heard a gunshot the things jaws stopped moving and I shoved it off me. i didn't realize it was the last one. I saw a shadow take off I yelled "HEY!" and chased after the figure. It  climbed on a roof of a building and jumped to the next one. Man this guys was athletic. I took a leap of faith and tackled him. He shook under my grasp and I ripped his mask off, Jay!. If you are wondering Jay and Rosebelle left a while ago in the time laps.

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