Parkour fails

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so hey guys to all who read this I think I should keep in touch with ALL of you who read my stories so after every chapter I mention you if you post a comment on my story ~Jarren

Jarren~ "Jay?" I asked as I pulled off his mask and helped him up he said "Yeah its me, long time no see." I replied with "you saved me but why did you run?" "I didn't know it was you and I thought you were going to attack me or something." he said "Is it just you, there more people?." I asked "Rosebelle left to go to Kansas to go back to her house." jay told me. I nodded then looked back at my car and noticed the infected were gone after destroying my car. I ran to my car getting my stuff the picture, my weapons , the clothes and the map. I grabbed an empty box in the back seat and put all my stuff in it. I took a step back to examine my car "well I am definitely not going to be driving that anywhere." I mumbled to myself. So here's something I need to say I like waffles just thought id say that. Okay fine ill get back to the story. Jay led me into his camp he had set up. It was fairly nice. It looked like an abandoned warehouse with a tower on top. But on the inside was a different story it had rooms mad out of those wooden boxes. The rooms were set up with to walls of boxes then one in the back then on empty gap for a door. For beds they had pallets with mattresses and bed sheets.  He showed me up the tower a sniper tower was what jay called it. Then I saw it in the back was a little marine training station. Was that how jay got so good? I don't know but I'm definably going to use it.

I ran to it making the first jump I climbed the rope wall. Then there was these poles I had to jump from each one I made the first one but on the second one not so lucky. I hit myself in the groin and fell of hitting the cement hard. Jay was laughing, He helped me up then he did it he completed the whole thing my jaw just was there dropped. "Ima give it another try." I said after I wasn't so sore no more. I fell again and again and again it was like the fourth time doing it. I muttered to myself "Jarren you can do it just concentrate." I climbed the rope wall, jumped from each five poles. Then here's the part I always fail The part where you have to balance on the tight walk jay could run across this. If he could do that I could walk across it. I fell but I grabbed it, okay ill swing across it. I made it to the lunges made it over. Now the final part I had to jump over I 6 foot wall. That was a little smaller then me I was 6 foot 2. I jumped as high as I could I had to dive over it. I landed on my face on the floor I did it I completed the quest. "WWWWWOOOOH' I screamed then I said "owe" because my face hurt. Jay laughed and said "You up for the beach?" " can I say yes?" I asked he nodded  and we ran to the beach. I dove into the water. I decided to pull a prank on Jay I was gonna grab his leg underwater hopefully he would think I was a shark. I opened my eyes underwater to see where he was I emeaditly  regretted doing so "ASWSHRHEHTY" I yelled underwater I swam to shore rubbing my eyes and laid in the sand groaning. Then the tide came in, Wait that was jay pouring water on me. I sat up and cursed. It wasn't jay at all it was a guy with a mask and military uniform. That wasn't water that was gasoline! I punched at him he had at least twenty more people with him one of them had jay. I got shoved down then kicked in the head. I blacked out.

So hey guys its me your story writer jarren remember to like share and comment if you comment I will pick someone every chapter and you will get a shout out, Thanks ~Jarren 

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