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Hannah's POV

Niall and I just got back home from Ireland. Maura was so sweet I love her. New Years was pretty laid back. Niall and I just popped some fireworks and had our first New Years kiss. Notice I said first New Years kiss because I know we'll be together for a while.

Niall went to go put our luggage in our room and I went in the kitchen to make some food. I was in the mood for some chicken quesadillas. I put the pan on the stove and got all the ingredients out and started. I had about 3 done when I felt arm wrap around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. I could tell he had changed into basketball shorts and a tank top.

"Can I help you?"

"No I just love watching you cook. It's very attractive. And I'm hungry." His hot breath against my neck brought chills going down my spine.

"Oh is it now?"I wondered

"Yeah it is! And when you speak Spanish!"Niall said taking a seat on a stool.

" oh! Supongo que voy a hacer, tanto de los que más a menudo entonces."

(Oh! I guess I'll do both of those more often.)

"la comida está lista. venir y hacer algo."

(The food is ready. Come and get some.)

Niall got up from his seat and grabbed 4 quesadillas. "Thanks babe." He gave me a small kiss and I smiled.

After we ate the food which according to Ni was 'fuckin delicious'. While Niall put 'Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters' on i went to go change into shorts and a tank top. And then brought a blanket from our room into the living room. Once we got settled on the couch I pressed play on the movie.


The movie just ended and right now, Niall and I are just talking. He has his head on my lap and I'm playing with his hair.

"Hey babe? Can we go down to the courts?" I asked him

"They volleyball courts?" I nodded my head "yeah let's go. But you go get in other clothes." Niall ordered. I walked into our room grabbed a sports bra, spanks, sweatpants, elite socks, and a t-shirt.

Once I had my clothes on I packed my volleyball bag. I put my vball shoes,all-around headbands, kneepads, and extra kneepads for Niall. I walked out of the room went into the kitchen and got two water bottles. I slid on my slides "baby let's go!" I scream waiting by the door. Niall come running towards me with a hoodie and sunglasses on. I guess since we're walking he needs a disguise. "Ok. I'm ready." We interlaced our fingers and started to walk.

All of a sudden we saw a girl that looked about 13 walking towards is must be a fan of Niall. "I got this." Ni said and smiled at the girl and took a step towards her still holding my hand. "Do you want an autograph?" She nodded her head then said something that surprised me and Niall "Hannah will you sign the back of my phone?"

"Huh? Um sure?" She handed me a sharpie and her phone and signed my name and drew a heart. "Thank you so much,Hannah! You are such a good volleyball player I actually come to every game to see you and Rylie play." She confessed "thank you sweetheart. Do you play volleyball?" She nodded her head "well maybe one day you'll be on the team if you go to collage there." I smiled at her. "Do you have any advice for me? About volleyball."

"If you want it work for it. The only person you have to beat is yourself yesterday and if you want others to believe in you you have to believe in yourself." She nodded her head and smiled. "Can I get a picture with you?" "Of course sweetie. Babe can you take a picture of us? On both of our phones?" Niall nodded and took the phones from both of us. The girl had a huge smile in her face and I wrapped my arm over her shoulder. Once Niall was done taking the pictures. He handed us our phones back. "Thank you so much Hannah!" "No problem sweetie! It was meeting you!" We waved bye and then she walked away.

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