Chapter 1: No Friends, No Family, No Future-that's my motto!

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I Better Be Dreaming! {Pokémon World}

Chapter 1:

No Friends, No Family, No Future—that’s my motto!

   I barged through my front door, “Lousy day at school, AGAIN! At least it can’t get any worse...” I mumbled to myself as I dropped my house keys in the small bowl next to my front door. I shook my head angrily, defining I didn’t have the best day at school. Although, all of my days at school are crap so what’s the difference?

   My name’s Rinoa and I live in an apartment block with my older brother Jacob. He goes to work through the day and comes home at about 8 at night. I get lonesome but he’s one of my only friends. This wouldn’t be happening if Mum hadn’t of died in a car crash 2 months ago... I miss her heaps; she’s the one who I talk to about the bullying. I can’t say a thing about it to Jacob because all he does is play his video games in his room after work and on his days off. I can’t disturb him cause he gets pretty angry and quite scary. I have short-ish, blonde/ brown hair and a small nose. I have brown eyes and I am in high school, which is the worst part of school EVER! I hate it! I curse it! I damn it to hell!  

   I sighed once more and walked to the centre of the lounge room. They threw water bombs at me today... “I’m home!” I called out to my brother; it was his day off today so he should be home. “Anyone there?”

   I tiptoed toward his bedroom, just in case he was napping or something, and peeked my head through the crack at the edge of the door. I pushed it open slowly and shifted forward. He wasn’t there.

   I scratched my head, “Where could he be? Maybe he’s in the bathroom.”

   I pranced to the bathroom for amusement and saw the bathroom door was open, plus empty. “This is so strange.”

   I walked through every corner of my house but I soon realized, I was the only one. The only one in my house! I was all alone.

   “Huh, he’s not here. Not here at all... where could he be?” I asked myself walking through my bedroom door. I through my bag onto my floor and collapsed onto my bed. I groaned as I heard the phone ring from the lounge room.

   “Dammit! I was just in there!” I cried as I hopped up and ran to the lounge room. “Maybe it’s Jacob?” I said picking up the small phone and placing it to my ear.

   “Hello?” I answered. Silence. “Hello?” I said once again. Silence. I then hung up immediately. “I’m not supposed to answer the phone when I’m all alone! God! I’m so stupid!” I slapped my face. “My life sucks. Nothing can change it. I barely have any friends; a boyfriend who I think is cheating on me and an unknown brother at the moment! He’s gone when I need him the most!”

   Tears started to run down my cheeks. They were warm on my cold, ugly face. I felt like dying here and now! Mum! I need you! MUM!

   After about 10 minutes of complete balling, I managed to steady myself as I walked into my room once more. I pursed my lips and tried to force a grin on my face. “Don’t worry,” I told myself, “Be happy!”

   I opened my drawer and went through my Nintendo DS games cause I was flipping out and wanted to do something to get me off thinking about how my life sucks and all. I found a Pokémon game which I hadn’t played in ages. “Hmm.” I muttered scanning the cover. “Pokémon Diamond.”

   Close to that same game I found a chip which I had bought to hack into my DS games. I never used it though... I had way too much homework and I completely forgot about it. Might as well give it a shot, I thought putting it into my DS system. I wanted to see if I could walk through walls and all that.

   I scrolled though all the cheats I was able to access and clicked yes for all. Who cares if my game stuffs up though, it’s just Pokémon after all.

   I took out the chip and replaced it with my Pokémon Diamond version. I clicked new game and started my new journey. My DS just went black.

   “Great, it’s now stuffed.” I hissed and through it onto my bed. It bounced off my wall with a loud ‘BANG’. The phone, once again, started to ring. I moaned and ran to the lounge room again.

   “Hello?” I answered again. Silence. Oh no, not this thingy again! I’ll kill the person on the other line! I swear I will!

   “Listen you—!” I started but was interrupted. I was surprised to hear a voice at the other end of the line.

   “You have broken the rules—.” Muttered a man in a deep voice. I swallowed hard. Who the hell—!

   “Who is this?” I asked shaking a bit. The sound of his voice made shivers go up my spine. I got goose bumps.

   “Continue your game—but I suggest you find a way to return as quickly as possible, otherwise you’ll be trapped forever.” He snapped angrily. I was taken aback as his voice grew deeper and scarier.

   “I’m sorry; I think you have the wrong number.” I replied about to hang up. I was getting freaked out by the minute.

   “You may believe what you want but you can never escape fate. Go through your childhood dream and see if it is actually what you’ve wanted for so many years. A way to escape the real world that you dread so much, your childhood dream or just a nightmare; created by nothingness. Good luck and you may think this is a game—but its most certainly not! Let the fabric of time take you away!” I jumped and as quickly as I could, I hung up the phone. I was just standing there for a few moments trying to decipher what just happened. I was so dramatically confused!

   I heard something strange coming from my bedroom. I slowly walked through my bedroom door to find my DS screens fully white. I peered my head closer and I think I saw something. I squinted my eyes to get a clearer picture but I couldn’t.

   At that moment, a bright, pixelated, green light shot out from the top screen. It started to scan my body and I fell backwards in shock.

   “What the hell’s happening?!” I cried as I saw my very one skin turn grid like and green. I was becoming pixelated myself. “Jacob!” I screamed as a loud screeching noise filled my eardrums!

   “Ahhhhhhh!” I yelled covering my ears, although, my hands just went straight through my body. “Oh my God! What the hell’s going on?! Jacob! Jacob please! Help me for God’s sake! Jacob! AHHHHHHH!”

   A bright light from the bottom screen shone over the entire room, as if it was searching for something—me!

   Once it found me, it got even brighter and brighter! I felt my skin’s sweat evaporate off my body, as if my body was disappearing into time and space!

   “JACOB!” I cried once more until my body just disappeared. I saw a white background and then blackness. Nothing was there. I felt tired and sick. I didn’t know where I was. I hope I’m dreaming all this—I really hope.

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