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Roses pov;

"What was that about?" Chloe asks me.

"Just annoyed. He found out before he put the video on YouTube, that I didn't like being seen. I'm just annoyed that he put it on" Chloe pulls out her phone and shows me it.

"Look how many views and likes you have. He knew they'd like you and, he was right" maybe they don't respect what I want.

"Rose, I think it's for the best as well" I turn to jess.

"Really? How can it be for the best if it's not what I want?" I see both of them thinking about that.

"People will see how good you are but, they still won't know who you are" Jess says and Chloe looks at her phone

"Well, that is until and Directioners go on tour and see you as a back up singer" I grabbed he phone and looked at it. There was a message, underneath the video, saying ' mysterious singer going on tour with One Direction'. No. Why is that there. People.shouldn't know that!! What if they guess who I am!

"Are you okay?" Chloe asks and I nod.

"I guess I am. If people want to know who I am, they'll find out, they just have to wait a little bit longer" I have confidence now. People believe in me and think I'm good.

"That's my girl" says Chloe as she takes her phone back and I take mine out.

"I just have a call to make. You go on ahead" I say to the girls as I slow down. I see them nod and they keep walking. I dial Harry's number. He picks up on the second ring.

"Hello" he doesn't sound to happy.

"Hi Harry" I said.

"Rose. I didn't expect you to call" he sounds happier now. That's good.

"Um, yeah I was uh just calling to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have walked away without saying goodbye"

"Don't worry about it. You were annoyed. I understand that. You didn't want people to know you could sing and, I didn't respect that"

"I still overreacted. I mean, now I've spoken to my friends, I'm fine with it. People will eventually find out who I am and, that will probably be on the tour. Especially since there's now a message on YouTube saying I'm touring with you"

"Yeah, sorry about that. This time it wasn't me though" I laugh "sorry, it was Louis and Liam. They thought, since people like you, more people might come to the concert. And guess what, it worked"

"What? It worked?" Were people really going to see One Direction because of me?

"Yep. We have more people coming to watch us because you're going to be there."

"You're kidding me right? Of course you are"

"I'm not. It's the truth. We're sold out everywhere" wow. That's a lot to take in.

"That's great. I can't believe it"

"So, are you happy?" Harry asks me.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be. Oh, Harry I need to go. See you tomorrow" I hang up before he can say anything else. I run to join my friends.

"You look happy" Jess says as soon as I get to them.

"I am"

"What happened?" Chloe asked me.

"Well, I was talking to Harry" I got cut off

"You have Harry's number?" she asked me.

"I have all of their numbers" the look on her face was priceless.

"You're kidding me right? Can I have them? Please?"

"You'd have to wait for the boys to give them to you. Anyway, One Direction are completely sold out..." cut off again by Chloe

"No surprise there"

"Yeah but, they're sold out because of me" my friends stop walking and grab arms.

"Excuse me?" Jess asked.

"They're sold out because of me. How call is that?"

"That's amazing. I'm so happy for you" Chloe said and I nodded. Somehow, we'd managed to walk to our flat without realising.

"I'm really excited now." I say and unlock the doors. Chloe stops.

"Girls, we've got some packing to do"

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