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Roses pov:

"This is amazing" i said as i entered the tour bus. It really is amazing and I haven't even been upstairs yet.

"Yeah. We think so. I remember the first tie we came on here. We were so excited and just shocked by how big it is" Harry said looking at me.

"It really is amazing. And you get to come on here so often"

"Well, I think that you will soon be coming on here a lot. You really are good" Great I can feel al the blood rushing to my cheeks which means I must be turning pink.

"There's no need to blush. Harry is right you are good but, you just need to believe it" that was Liam

"That's funny. You have no idea how many people have tried to tell me that" It's true. People try and tell me but, I always deny it. It's just the person I am.

"It's time you stop denying it and realise that people are telling you the truth." Niall said as he stood up and started walking to the kitchen. There's a surprise. We all followed him.

"Guys, it's easy for you to say. You have faced your fears and you know that millions of people like you. I don't know if anyone will like me"

"What do you mean you don't know?" Louis said turning to me "Have you not seen how many likes your video on Youtube got or, have you gone blind?"

"Don't even ask. Anyway, you doing a Twitcam??" I say turning to Zayn who hasn't said anything yet.

"I will if the boys do" he said. I looked at them all.

"Will you be in it? Niall asked.

"Let me think about that. Um... Nope. You know that I'm not ready for people to see who I am. I just can't" they all nodded and Liam turned the laptop, that was right in front of him, on.

"The fans are expecting one so I'll jut Tweet and say we're doing it in 5 minutes" he said

"That's what he said" I blurt out before covering my mouth with my hand. The boys all started laughing.

"I guess you're dirty minded then??" Harry asked me and I nodded.

"I never used to be. I lived in Cyprus for awhile and was never dirty minded. Then I moved back, met New people and became a dirty girl"

"I know what you mean" said Louis.

"So, is your boyfriend as dirty minded as you?" Harry asked me.

"Actually, I don't have boyfriend. I never have" Harry spat out the sip of water he had just taken as I said those words.

"What?? You've never had a boyfriend?" He asked me, wide-eyed.

"Nope. I don't think I need one. I'm independent enough to do things by myself"

"That's good that you're independent." He said as I looked at the other boys to see they were all getting ready to do the Twitcam

"Wait" Harry said just as all the other boys said hello to their fans

"Does that mean you've never had sex??" Harry literally shouted. I froze as the others looked at us.

"Um, Harry" Liam said hesitantly "we're live" I looked at the screen, making sure I wasn't in range of the camera, and looked at all the messages coming in for the boys. Most of them consisted of questions such as: 'Who's never had sex?', 'What was that about?;' or 'WTF. Who are you taking about?'. Once again, can literally feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. At least none of the fans can see me. That's a relief. Harry rushed over to the spare seat, in front of the laptop, to join the boys. His cheeks were also red in colour.

"Sorry about that." He said to all his fans "But, I won't be answering any questions about what I just said" Phew. That could've gotten awkward!! It looked like none of the boys knew what to say next. Niall cleared his throat.

"We'll answer some of your questions now but obviously, none about what Harry said. Okay, first question is from @Niall_Rules and she says 'who is the mysterious girl touring with you guys?" Liam started to speak

"I'm afraid we can't tell you her name because, she's shy. I will tell you that she's a good friend"

"Okay, next question" said Harry "This is from @BVBDirectioner and she says 'Can we see the mysterious girl? Um, I'm afraid you can't because that will give away who she is." At least h's trying to protect me. I'm glad. I walk over so I'm standing behind the laptop and I put my pinky in front of the camera.

"There you go!! That is her pinky!" Liam says as all the boys start laughing. I remove my pinky ad wave at the boys before walking out the room. hear Liam say the next question and, guess what, it's about me. I don't hear the answer before I walk up the stairs and lay on the nearest bunk. I pull my phone out and call Chloe.

"Hey" I say as she picks up "are you watching the Twitcam?" I'm a bit scared of the answer.

"Yes we are" she said before she burst out laughing "Rose, what Harry said. That was hilarious. He didn't even know the Twitcam had started"

" I know, I know. I was so embarrassed."

"I bet you were. As soon as people find out who you are, they will know that you've never had sex" she stated laughing again "are you still downstairs with them?"

"No, I've come up. It was a bit awkward"

"So you can't hear what the boy are saying?" she asks

"No I can't."

"That's good. Don't go downstairs" does she not understand yet that, if you tell someone not to do something, they get the urge to do it. You can tell she's blonde!!

"Why? What are they saying?" I'm curious now.

"Um, nothing. Don't worry. They're jus being the normal, stupid boys that they are" I can't even see her face and, I know she's lying to me. I decide to let it drop.

"Okay, well I'm going to go now. Bye" she says before handing up. I take my headphones out of the back pocket of my shorts and put them in my ears. I look through my music and can't decide on one song so I put the all on shuffle. The song that comes on first is "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade. I love this song but, it is unbelievably sad. I remember when my friends Steph and Katie showed it to me in choir. I cried that day. The whole point in me coming up is to sleep but, I end up silently singing the song. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks at the part where the boys mum says that she's really ill and only has weeks left to live. I hate that part. The song ends and "Titanium" comes on. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

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