Ch. 3

978 32 2

"Dakota?" Sam called, I was laying face first on the couch with Max laying on my back.

"Hmmm." I hummed.

"Could you do me a big favor?" He asks.

"As long as Jesus isn't involved." I smirked thinking about what happened yesterday with the teacher. Sam rolled his eyes.

"Could you wash my car?" He asked.

"Can't, Max is on me." I said lazily.

"Max, c'mon." Sam called and Max got off, I groaned. "Now can you?"

"No, too comfy." I said snuggling into the couch more.

Sam sighed. "You can come with me to the lake party." Sam suggested.

I groaned again and got up. "Fine. I'll be right back, Max can stay here." I left to go over to my house to change into my black bikini and shorts. I was about to leave when Dad stop to me.

"Dakota Marie Evergreens, where do you think you're going in that?"

I turned to look at dad who has his arms folded across his chest with an unhappy look. "To Sam's. He wants me to wash his car so it looks good for the lake party that we are going to." I explained, dad gave a satisfied nod and I left for Sam's.

When I got there everything I would need was already out and set up with Max sitting there with his tongue sticking out. "Hey, boy. You're going to keep watch for unwanted men while I work, right?" I asked and he barked and I laughed. I stood in front of the Camaro with the hose in hand and the radio turned on playing 'Girl on Fire' by Alicia keys feat and Nicki Minaj.

"This girl is on fire!" The radio blared making me blush.

"Oh, shut up." I said and sprayed the Coldwater at the car, it shivered and the radio yelled a "Hey!" making me laugh, Max barked. I finished spraying and grab the soapy wet sponge and start washing the car. I was almost done washing the car and just had to do the hood, my arms couldn't reach the middle so I had to get on my tiptoes and lower myself so now my stomach was on the hood. The hood was heating up fast and I heard static from the radio making it seem speechless. "Awe, did I make you feel awkward?" I teased and the radio copied what I said before.

"Shut up." I laughed. A little while later I finished and dried the car. I now just noticed I've been talking to the car. I guess it wasn't my imagination but I don't mind. I put away the stuff and went home to put on something nice for the lake party. (picture up top) I ran out of the house and back to Sam's with Max next to me. I was about to knock on Sam's door till I heard talking.

"All right, Mojo. I got the car. Now I need the girl. I need money to take out the girl is what I need." I pressed my ear to the door and listened. "Come on, Mojo. Come on, Mojo. You want your pain pills?" I heard Mojo bark. "It's like clockwork. All right, I know you get wasted all these things but if you piss in my bed again, you're sleeping outside. Okay? That's it for today. No more. Crackhead." I heard Sammy coming to the door so I quickly made it look like I just arrived. "Dakota, you ready to go?" Sam asked.

"Yep." I said popping the "P".

"Alright, let's go." Sam said and I followed him out the door where His parents are working on their yard. Sam being Sam thought it was a good idea to walk on the grass.

"Aw, Sam." Ron complained.

"What?" Sam asked innocently.

"I do not like footprints on my grass." Ron said. I walked over to Sam's mom, Judy.

"Hi Dakota. You look gorgeous." Judy complimented.

"Thanks, Judy." I smiled.

"Where are you and Sam going?" Judy asks.

"We're going down to the lake party." I informed and Sam came up to us.

"I can't take this anymore. You're putting girl jewelry on a boy dog. He's got enough self-esteem issues as a Chihuahua, mom." Sam complained.

"That's his bling." Judy defended, I laughed.

"Come on. Let's go." Sam said pulling me along. Sam got in the driver's seat and I opened the door so Max could get in the back and I in the passenger's seat.

"I want you home at 11:00!" Judy said.

"Yeah, all right." Sam said.

"11:00!" Ron echoed.

"Please, for the love of God, drive safely!" Judy yells.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

"Can you have Max scoot over?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, why?" I asked confused until it hit me. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Hell no! I can handle Trent but Miles?! No!" I yelled as Sam drove up to the one person I hate more than Trent.

"Please Dakota, I need my wingman." Sam begged.

"I can be the wingman." I said, crossing my arms.

"But you're not a man." Sam said pointing out.

"Wingwoman?" I asked pleadingly.

"Dakota, please." Sam pleaded.

"Fine, but if he tries anything he's going down." I said pouting and I hopped in the back seat with Max. Miles showed up and got in the car and turned to face me.

"Hey baby."

"That's it! He's going down!" I yelled.

"Dakota, no killing!" Sam ordered.

"But, but, but..." I trailed.

"No but's." Sam said sternly.

"Sammy." I pleaded doing the puppy dog eyes.

"Don't call me that and that's not going to work." I pouted and slouched in my seat. The seat belt tightened around me to comfort me, I smiled and patted the seat.

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