For Better

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"You said you were done with all this bullshit," you yelled at Justin through the receiver as you paced your room.

"I'm done, baby. I'm sorry, you have to forgive me," he pleaded once again, but you knew better.

"You talk a whole lot about changing, but I haven't seen anything done differently. I want to believe that this time isn't the same old lie, but-"

"I swear, I am done with the drugs, the alcohol, the girls, all of it! I just want you."

It sounded like he was actually crying and you started to feel bad as you chewed on your bottom lip, thinking what to say next.

"Say something, please," he urged just above a whisper.

"I-I can't," you could feel the tears already building up in your eyes and the pain in your chest as you finally stopped pacing and sat down on the edge of your Queen sized bed. "I can't do this with you, Justin. I'm not going to watch you fucking ruin your life anymore! I'm done!"

"Baby, please!"

"You need to get better, Justin. You know where to find me when you do."

"Do n-"

You ended the call and brought the phone to your chest as you closed your eyes, feeling a tear slip out from your lashes.

It was nearing 6pm when the doorbell rang. You shouted that you were coming as you wiped your hands and left the kitchen. When you opened the door, your jaw nearly hit the floor and a flood of emotions ran through you.


"Justin, oh my God!" you covered your mouth with the palm of your hand and shook your head, letting the loose curls hit your cheeks.

"Think you could take in a guest for the night?" he sent you a shy smile as he raised his duffle bag to show that he had his belongings.

"I-um-" you nodded your head. "Yes, please come in," you opened the door wider and he stepped inside, his fresh clean scent filling your nose. "I am so shocked that you're here," you walked back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Justin dropped his bag by the couch before he came over to the kitchen counter and leaned back on it to watch you. "I told my driver to drop me off here."

"It's been six months," you said as you quickly checked on the noodles.

"Six months clean," he smiled and you became so happy just by hearing those words. "I don't think I've ever felt better. Rehab definitely sucked because I didn't have anyone, but it was really good for me," he nodded his head as a cute chuckle left his plump lips that you missed.

"You were there this whole time?" you questioned. He was blocked from your phone and all social media after that night, so there was no way to see what he was doing.

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck as you walked around the center island and stood in front of him. "That phone call was the start, you changed my life."

"Justin," you glanced down at your bunny slippers.

"I needed you to say all those things. No one ever told me what I needed to hear except you. My team just told me to be careful and to make sure everyone signed an NDA. If it wasn't for you then I-I could be as good as dead right now."

"I hated seeing you so recked all the time. I knew it was going to catch up to you and completely finish you one day if you didn't get help."

"You knew I would listen if you threatened me," he chuckled lightly.

Imagines; JBWhere stories live. Discover now