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Adien Freeman "Yung"

Yung in the mm.

Man, that was the best fucking nap ever. A nigga woke up with lines on and his face and shit.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and heading towards my bathroom to brush my teeth.
A nigga breath was stank as hell.

When I came back in the room, my phone was ringing like crazy.

"Yooooo!" I mugged into the phone knowing that it was probably Jace.

"Nigga, I know you ain't still sleep. There's money to be made!"

He was right. I have been chilling for a couple of days now and now it was time for me to get back on my shit.

"Meet me at the spot in an hour bro."

"Aight b." I said as I disconnected the phone. Since we were drug dealers, we really couldn't say much on the phone. You never know who's listening.

Although I had an hour to meet him at the spot, I decided to leave a little earlier. I had some business to take care of. I grabbed my keys and headed out.


I walked up the steps to the small family home. Before I could reach the last step, the front door flung open.

"Adien, baby. How are you doing?" She said giving me a tight hug.

"Hey, grandma. I'm doing good. Just tryna make it."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, but I'm gonna go to McDonald's after this."

Frowning, she disappeared into the kitchen. After a few minutes, she came back with a plate stacked with food. She cooked fried chicken, macaroni, yams, and cornbread.

Thanking her, I took the plate and said my prayer. After I prayed over my food, I began talking to her. I loved my grandma. She was honestly one of the only people who loved me no matter what. After my mom's left me, she raised me like her own.

Realizing how much time had flown by, I got up and took my plate to the kitchen.

"Thank you, grandma."

"Oh boy, you know it's no problem. Your skinny self needs to eat anyways."

Ignoring her comment, I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket and handed her an envelope.

"Here, this should take care of the bills for next month and a little something extra for your garden."

She looked at me crazy before she took the money. My grandma hated taking money from me. She had always been very independent, but she deserved it. She didn't have to raise me, but she did. And now I'm forever loyal to her.

After hugging her, I stepped in my car and drove off.


"Damn, about time nigga."

"Hush, I was at my grandma house."

"Yeah right, you were probably fucking with that bitch Sophia again." I ain't even bother telling Jace about Sophia stanking ass. Instead, I just let him continue talking.

"You ready to make these moves?" He asked.

I nodded my head and got to work. I walked around the trap making sure everything was running smoothly. I ain't want nobody to get in the way of my money.

"Aye bro, I'm about to head out" I spoke.


As I walked out of the trap, I noticed an older woman starring at me. Her hair looked like it hadn't been done in a while and her skin looked dull. It wasn't any doubt in my mind that this bitch smokes crack.

"Wait up!" She said approaching me. As she got closer, I realized who the fuck this bitch was. My mama.


"Mama? Nigga, I am not your mama."

It was a shame that she couldn't even recognize her own son. I know it's been nearly 10 years, but damn. She starred at me until she realized who I was.

"A-adien?" She stuttered.

Annoyed, I walked towards my car. This bitch was not finna kill my mood.

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