The chapter in which the plot is introduced

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Agent 3 ran across the street to the grate, watching the strange old man drop under it, as always. She sighed, pulled her gun out and dropped through the grate. Her bright green eyes flashed as she fell next to Agent 1 And 2. The rather small inkling attempted to look over their shoulders at what they were looking at, but to no avail. She huffed, shrugging and tugging on 1's tentacle. "Gyah! Oh! Hey Agent 3!" She chirruped, bending down to reach the squid's height. Agent 3 shrugged. "Hey.." She mumbled. 2 turned to look at 3, mumbling through her scarf. "Look what the cuttlefish dragged in, back so early?" Captain Cuttlefish huffed at that remark, but continued stringing photos together. 3 shrugged again, fiddling with the clip that goes to her ink tank. "Which kettle..?" Agent 3 asked, kicking a rock. 1 pointed in the direction of the octopi shaped rock formations. "Kettle 22!" She answered, patted 3 on the head, and turned back around. Agent 3 huffed, but began to ink and swim in that direction, before making it to the kettle and dropping in. She reformed on the other side, gazing around and immediately noticing the change of scenery. The area was heavily flanked with barbed wire, and absolutely infested with octarians. 3 sighed, heaving her gun up and began going on a genocidal rampage, before reaching a stopping point. She realized that there were 4 octosnipers, and a whole army of octolings, flanked by kelp heads....all behind a heavily barbed wire. Full. On. Death. Trap. 3 realized there was a seeker sized hole, with a gap large enough to fit a squid above it. She fired a seeker, managing to distract the octosnipers and even splitting an Octoling, before jumping through the gap in squid form. Even with her relatively small size, she still managed to scrape herself up pretty bad, landing on the other side with some pretty deep cuts. Agent 3 prevailed however, splatting the whole army of octolings and all of the octosnipers. She began to advance towards the zapfish, before being kicked in the head and knocked down, held by gunpoint. Blood tricked from her nose and mouth as she watched a boot make contact with the back of her head. She whimpered, and without thinking, to protect herself she immediately shot her hand up, grabbing the boot and flipping herself over before somehow flinging her attacker away. 3 immediately jumped to her feet, about to advance in the direction she threw the brute, before stopping in her tracks. Her face became even paler than normal when she watched cyan colored liquid drip down the bars of the barb wired fence, mingling with purple ink. That wasn't her blood...She slowly followed the blood before noticing her attacker, an Octoling, impaled heavily on the fence. Agent 3 choked for a minute, immediately running ahead to the Octoling. It seemed to weakly lift it's head, cyan blood dripping down it's face. "Go ahead...Kill me...I'm dead anyway." They murmured, dropping their head again in pain. 3 shrieked, knowing it was bad to help the enemy, but she did it anyway. 3 carefully slid the brute off the fence, wincing at the pained sounds it made, before carrying it to the zapfish. She was relatively light, which was a heavy convince for the small inkling. Agent 3 was happy to see that Captain Cuttlefish was asleep, and 1 and 2 were both gone. She dragged the Octoling away, finally making it to her apartment in flounder heights, and laying her down on 3's sofa. Agent 3 made quick work of her sewing skills her aunt had taught her before she left, stitching up the wounds before wrapping them and gingerly moving the Octoling to 3's bed. Agent 3 sighed, exhausted, and crashed into her bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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