♡ 3

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 Friends are there through thick and thin, Well I've been told that  And I believe that it's automatic. 

~ Brandy 1994 

Aaliyah P.O.V

I sit in the silent hospital room next to Keith, Mya's small body lays in the hospital bed she looked so tired. Tears were still streaming down my face and I couldn't stop them. Mya was sound asleep, I can't believe I let this happen.

"I knew I shouldn't have gone to that party." I sob. 

"Liyah, It's not your fault." Keith tries to assure me. "He's just a sick pervert."

"I should have known." I cry shaking my head. 

"How would you have known Liyah, you can't blame yourself," Keith tells me. 

"I.." I couldn't even finish my sentence without breaking down sobbing harder. 

"Liyah.. please stop crying it's not your fault." Keith tries to calm me. 

"He did the same thing to me when I was her age."I cry 

"What...Liyah w-why didn't you tell me?" Keith says but I couldn't even look at him. 

"I was 6 years old Keith, I was afraid."

Keith walks over to me and lifts me up out of my chair, He sits and pulls me onto his lap wrapping his arms tightly around me as I sob in his chest. 

"I'm so sorry Liyah,"He says as he rubs my back. 

The rest of my night is spent crying into my best friends chest, My heart was aching all I felt was guilt I should have known that this would have happened. 

The night slowly creeps into day and I am still sitting on Keith he lightly snores his arms still wrapped tightly around me. I slowly move his arms trying not to wake him. I heard a firm knock at the hospital room door so I opened it.  A  White police officer is standing there.

"Hello, are you Aaliyah Mosely ?"He asked. 


"You called and made a report last night I believe." The officers asked me and I nod 

"Yes, last night why are you just getting here?" I ask him trying to keep my voice calm. 

"It's kinda hard for us to get officers willing to come to this sound of town that late" He explains. 

"What do you mean? You're police officers you're supposed to protect people !" I snap, I was completely annoyed by his stupid excuse. 

"Do you still want to make the report."He asked in a nonchalant tone. 


I explain to the officer what happened as he wrote it down on his small notepad. 

"Is there an adult I can talk to about this a parent or guardian?" He asked me. 

"My mom is our guardian but she has no capability," I explain to him. 

"Honestly there is nothing we can do about this without proof of assault, I talked to the doctor and he said there was no sign of abuse or sexual assault. The most we can do is question him and your mother and if he denies it we can't take him in."The officer tells me causing my heart to drop. 

"What do you mean? I witnessed him touching her with my own two eyes, It doesn't matter how far he got with it, he did it, she's six years old!" I scream out in angry. 

"The best I can tell you is that you're 16, Legally you can pick what parent you want to stay with go stay with your dad, Take your little sister with you."He suggested. 

"I don't know who my dad is,"I say tears brim from my eyes again. 

"I'm sorry. There just nothing we can do." He tells me before he simply walks away. 

"Liyah."I hear Mya's soft voice say. I quickly wipe my tears turning around and walking over to her. 

"Yes, sweety are you okay?" I ask her and she nods. 

"Can we leave?"She asked me. "Please" 

I look over at Keith who is now awoken he nods his head so I tell Mya yes...

I pick her up and Keith and I leave the hospital room, we walk to his car and I put Mya in the back seat buckling her up. 

Once Keith and I are both in the car Keith begins to drive the car is silent, The thoughts of all that had happened last night were running through my mind, Mya told me she was scared but I didn't think of it, why wouldn't I have thought of it, Why would I think it was okay to leave her with the same mother who was supposed to protect me, The same mother who let random men rub all over her 8-year-old daughter for a bag of cocaine. The sam mother who left me at a crack house all night while she went out to get drunk and high. I soon realize that Keith wasn't driving to our home as he turned down the road going the way to his Neighborhood. I don't say anything, I didn't want to go back to that hell hole anyways. 

"Where are we?" Mya asked. 

"We're at Keith's house sweety,"I tell her

"It's so big."

We get out the car and walk to the front door, Keith digs in his pocket pulling out his house key and then opens the door. 

We could barely get into the house fully before Keith is getting screamed at by Briana.

"Where the fuck we're you Keith, I waited up all night for you!I had to get Luke to bring me here because I thought maybe you went home but no! You waltz in the fucking house with this bitch,"She scream. I was too out of it to snap on her for calling me a bitch 

"Man, why the fuck are you screaming like this in my mom's house."Keith snaps at her and she looks at him as if she was shocked. 

"Don't speak to me that way what the fuck, You're mom's not here she went to go get eggs for breakfast and your dads at work, "she snaps back. 

"I honestly don't want to hear your screaming today, I have a headache and a lot of stuff on my mind."He tells her as he walks into the kitchen taking out a carton of orange juice. 

"I want an explanation Keith that's all."She snaps 

"There was an emergency Briana okay I was at the hospital all night with Aaliyah I'm sorry I left you at the party, okay!"He yells slamming the orange juice carton on the counter. 

"Wh-What happened?"She asks as she slowly steps over to Keith. 

"It's none of your business!"He snaps leaving the kitchen and storming in his room slamming the door. 

"Keith!"She says frantically walking to his room. 

After a few minutes of them arguing there is silence. 

k guys next chapter will be up tomorrow, please comment and vote I need feedback lol I may be posting two chapters tomorrow. 

1993 ♡ | Keith Powers A.U [ COMPLETE ] EditingWhere stories live. Discover now