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 You gotta go downtown 
That's the way to my love 
Take it round and round 
Ooh, you can't stop 'til you find my love  

~SWV 1992

Luke P.O.V

The sun kisses my skin for the first time in weeks. My mom waves me over as I leave the building. I walk over to her as she stands in front of her car. She wraps her arms tightly around me kissing my face.

"I'm never letting you take you again baby." My mom says as she hugs me tightly.

We both get in the car and she cuts her radio off.

"Are you hungry baby?" She asked me and I nod.

I sit silently staring out the window of the car. The only thing that has been on my mind is Aaliyah and how she deceived me. She left me while I was asleep and made it seem as if I kidnapped her.

It hurts because I genuinely love her. I'm in love with her but she needs to learn respect. They changed my medicine to something stronger, but I will not be taking it. I need to be able to think straight about these next couple days.

My mom pulls up at this Burger joint and goes through the drive through ordering us burgers and French fries.

"I told you I didn't think it was a good idea to get involved with that girl." My mom tells me as she passes me my food.

"I love her." I tell her simply and my mom shakes her head.

"You don't know what love is luke."She sighs and I try to keep my calm and not explode on her.

"Don't tell me what I know. I know how I feel about her." I say through my teeth and she doesn't speak.

"Drop me off at home, I need to get my car I have somewhere to be."I simply tell her.

"Luke I don't think it's a wise idea for you to be going out your first day home."She explains to me causing my annoyance to grow.

"I don't think its wise idea for you to be telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing. I'm 18 I can make my own decisions.

"I know baby I just don't want anything to happen to you."She assures me and I roll my eyes.

"Stop treating me like I'm a fucking child."I tell her and she doesn't respond.

Once we get to the house I rush inside and get my car keys out. I change out of the clothes they had me wearing and I get into my car driving off.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

I sit on Keith's bed as I read over my notes studying them for my final in Anatomy. He supposed to be studying as well but instead, he's drawing on his sketch pad. I look up at him shaking my head.

"Keith you need to study or you're going to get a bad grade." I scold him.

"I'll just cheat off of your test."He shrugs as he continues his drawing.

"What are you drawing anyways?" I ask him as I snatch the art book out of his hands. Butterflies form in my stomach as I look at the picture he was drawing. It was me in this spaghetti strap dress that I've never seen or worn a day in my life. It was kind of see through and revealing, I look at him and raise my eyebrows. The dress showed my underwear and my boobs kind of. Keith has never even seen my boobs. He looks embarrassed as he tries to snatch the drawing from me.

"You're an amazing artist Keith," I tell him as I place the sketchbook in his hands.

"Thanks." He says as he closes the book and puts it in his dresser.

1993 ♡ | Keith Powers A.U [ COMPLETE ] EditingWhere stories live. Discover now