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9 months ago..

"So are you gonna tell me where we're going?," I asked Chris as he drove us to an unknown location.

He just came back from doing a couple shows overseas and he came straight to my house and fell asleep on my couch. I could tell he was worn out from touring but I was happy and appreciated that he wanted to spend his time back with me. My boyfriend, who's name is also Chris, came over around the same time Chris did and they both seemed a little annoyed with one another but it didn't stop Chris from snatching me up out the house.

"It's a surprise Robyn. If I told you then it wouldn't be one."

I sighed then threw my hands up in defeat, "Alright Chris. My boyfriend knows that I'm with you so if you thinking about killing me you better think again buddy."

"What Rob? Does it look like I care if he knows we're together? And why the hell would I kill you?"

"I don't know. I don't know why you do a lot of shit but I will never underestimate you for a second."

He laughed, "Okay Robyn, whatever you say."

"Look just wake me up when we get there."

After what felt like almost an hour, I was happily making love to Michael B. Jordan when Chris slapped the shit out of my leg.


"Wake yo' ass up! We here!"

I looked around and noticed that we were parked on top of a mountain that overlooked L.A.

"Um, what are we doing here?"

"Get out the car..you'll see."

"I think the fuck not! Boy it's s dark as hell out there and we in the middle of nowhere! I knew you was tryna kill me! Ima' mace yo' ass!" I quickly snatched my mace out and was about to spray his ass but he grabbed my arm too fast.

"Ay chill wit' that crazy shit! I've had plenty of opportunities to do it so don't you think I would've already?! Damn! Get yo' mental ass out the car," he got out and slammed the door. Damn. Maybe I did overreact a little bit.

I slowly got out and saw him laying a big ass blanket on the ground by the car, along with two pillows and another blanket.

"Don't you think it's a little late to be having a picnic?"

"Ain't nobody having no picnic. Come lay yo' ass down."

"Um, do you not see how I'm dressed right now?"

He sighed, "And your point is? I'll buy you another one just like that."

"I'll definitely take you up on that offer," I removed my heels and laid beside him. Soon as I got settled, he threw the other blanket over us, considering that it was pretty chilly up here and I wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion.

"Sooo...why are we up here?"

"Look," he pointed up to the sky and I saw nothing but the faint stars in the distance.

"Yea..that's the sky. And those are stars. So what else could I be looking at?"

"Aliens. I always come up here to see them. I've seen them a couple of times," I couldn't help but bust out laughing. I laughed so hard my side started hurting. Chris on the other hand didn't crack a smile at all.

"The fuck is funny?"

"Wait are you serious? You got me all the up here for some aliens boy? You know I do not believe that shit. It don't say nothing about no aliens in the bible so I'll wait in the car," I got up but he pulled me back down.

"Come on Robyn I'm serious. You're the only person that knows about this and you're just proving to me exactly why I didn't tell anyone in the first place," he looked off and I could tell I hurt him by my actions.

"Chris...look at me," I grabbed his face and turned it towards mine when he didn't listen.

"Look I'm sorry okay? You just caught me off guard with this. I didn't know it meant that much to you. If you want me to watch for aliens with you then I guess I just have to. Don't be mad," I kissed his cheek then looked at him as he stared into my eyes. It actually felt like he was staring into my soul.

I could feel what felt like friction between us as we both focused on each other, without saying a word. He then looked at my lips and slowly grazed his tongue over his bottom lip. Would I be wrong if I said it kind of turned me on? What the hell was he doing to me? The loud sound of my ringing phone broke the moment between and I hurriedly got up to get it before I became stuck..and who knows what would happen.


"Hey baby where are you?"

"Oh um I'm still out with Chris. I should be back soon."

He groaned, "Are you seriously gonna let him waste up all your time? That's why I came so you wouldn't have to be with him."

"Well honey I'm sorry but he made plans with me before you did. I promise when I get back it's gonna be just me and you."

Before he could respond, Chris snatched the phone out my hand.

"She'll call you back homie," then hung up and turned my phone off. My mouth dropped in disbelief.

"Why the hell would you do that? You don't pay my phone bill to be hanging up on people."

"But I could pay it and buy you and your little boyfriend five phones while I'm at it so it really don't matter. I don't care about him, it's our time now," he threw my phone back in the car then dragged me back to the blanket where we laid with his arm around me, waiting and watching for U.F.O's.

It was a bit romantic to me but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Besides, no matter how I felt, he'll always be my best friend and that's all we'll be. I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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