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"Don't even think about it!"

"Come on man! What's wrong with that?"

"You making yourself look like a bitch bro. You can't show these females your weakness. If you let one thing slide them bitches gon' start ice skating and I'll be damned if that happen."

After I whipped Mijo ass in 1 on 1 at the basketball court, we headed to In-N-Out and just chilled and ate in the parking lot. He was getting ready to text some bitch shit to his fake ass girlfriend or whatever the hell she was to him and I had to put a stop on that. I couldn't have my brother going out like a sucker. Especially with a girl I didn't have a care for.

"Shut the fuck up! I ain't no bitch. If anybody's a bitch it's you."

I laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt, "Me? A bitch? Hell no nigga. Where the hell you got that from?"

"Robyn nigga! You her bitch. You know if Robyn told you to jump yo' bitch ass gon' ask her how high. Matter fact, fuck asking you just gonna jump."

"I-I, No I- you know what? Suck my dick nigga!"

He laughed at me but I didn't see the joke. I mean yeah I would do whatever Robyn asked but that don't make me her bitch. Or does it?

"Aww, did I hurt Chrissy poo fweelings? Is lil' Chrissy mad cus' he's Robyns lil' bitch?," he raised his hand to grab my face but I smacked it away.

"Fuck you bitch. Let's go nigga I need to get in the shower and so do you cus' it's smelling like ass and corn chips in here."

"Ha, yeah okay. Let's take the baby home and then maybe if you're good Mama Robyn gon' come take care of you."

"Nigga just drive!"

The car ride to my crib was silent. I was so wrapped in thinking about me and Robyn's relationship that I didn't even want to talk. I mean even though we didn't have sex we still did something sexual which was new for the both of us. I wasn't sure where we were gonna go from here but I did know that it wouldn't be like it used to.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't hear Mi calling me til he tapped me.

"Aye bro!"

"My fault bro wassup?"

"Is that Robyn over there with some nigga or am I tripping?"

My eyes followed to where his finger was pointing. Across the street was Robyn sitting outside some restaurant with some nigga. I couldn't see his face but I could see her laughing and smiling which made my blood boil.

"Who the fuck is that?"

"I don't know but I'm about to find out," I hopped out the car not caring about the incoming traffic and made my way to their table.

I could hear Mi calling my name but my only focus was Robyn and whoever this bitch ass nigga she was with. As I got closer I couldn't believe who this dude was. I coulda swore she got rid of him a long time ago.

"Well well well, look at who we have here."

I stared at Robyns fake ass "ex boyfriend" who coincidentally was also named Chris.

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