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Me and Chris were in a Uber headed to 1Oak. I actually just wanted to stay in the house tonight but he suggested we go out and have some fun. I haven't been out the house in about 2 weeks so I didn't really mind. He had just came back from doing a couple shows and I missed him like crazy. I could've been there with him but unfortunately, I had to work. I was starting to loathe my job. Being an assistant to an uptight and bratty fashion designer was hell but it was the only thing paying the bills and other everyday things. I'm even going to school for psychology at night which makes me extra tired everyday. Chris offered to pay for any and everything I needed but I didn't want him doing that. I liked being independent and handling things on my own. Having a famous best friend who makes millions of dollars definitely has it's perks but I wanted him to enjoy everything he earned, even though I know he would do it in a heartbeat.

We parked in front of the club and I immediately saw the swarm of paparazzi waiting. I was pretty used to all of this but it still bothered me. As Chris opened the door, he grabbed my hand, helping me out the car. When I tried prying my hand away, he held on tight as the paps began snapping away.

"Chris, they're gonna think we're together if we hold hands like this," I said concerned.

"Don't worry about it Robs, we know we not and if they're smart, they know too so don't even stress it. Let's go," he held my hand even tighter and led the way into the club.

Yo Gotti's "Down in the DM" blasted throughout the club as we sat in VIP. Chris had of course invited a few of his friends which I didn't mind since I was cool with all of them except for one. They call him Red for his red, bright ass hair and he gets on my last nerve. He always has slick shit to say about me for reasons I'm not sure of. Shit, he always says something about everybody he comes across, acting like his shit don't stink. I don't know why he has a problem with me but as obnoxious as he is, I'm glad we don't talk. I honestly think he's friends with Chris for one reason and that's to get famous off of him. He's a bum ass rapper so I guess there's nothing else better for him to do. I tell Chris about him all the time but he never seems to listen so now, I just keep my mouth shut about it. No use fighting if he's still not gonna listen.

I quietly drank my Long Island Iced Tea as Chris and his friends danced around and downed 3 bottles of Bel-Aire. They looked like they were having the time of their life and I was enjoying myself too, well, kind of.

"You good Rob?," Chris asked as he sat down next to me.

"Yeah, question is, are you good Chris?," the smell of liquor was strong as hell on him and he did look a little drunk.

He started laughing out of nowhere, "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Just had to come check on my favorite girl, is that a problem?"

"No but I think I should be heading home now."

"Why? It's only 1:30 and-"

"Aww man let that girl go. All she doing is killing the vibe and taking up space. If her boring ass wanna go home then let her," Red butted in.

"Excuse me, who the fuck are you talking to?," I stood up and faced him.

"I'm talking to your non-fun ass. Always gotta ruin shit for everybody," he starting drinking from a bottle and I snatched it out his hand.

"Shut your mouth bum ass nigga! You keep yapping that big ass mouth of yours this bottle going right upside your fucking head!" I swear was about 2 seconds away from smashing his head in with the bottle if he said one more thing.

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