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Was this really happening? I wasn't sure if this was another one of my dreams are not, and if it was, it felt extremely real. My hands caressed Robyn's long, soft legs as they wrapped around my torso. I just finished sucking her like a oxtail and I was ready to finally get inside her. In a way, this was the moment I had been waiting for.

It was very hard hiding my feelings for Robyn for all these years but I just felt like it would ruin our friendship. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew that I liked her. I mean, look at how beautiful she is, who wouldn't? When I was finally able to talk to her and we got closer, I realized that she just needed a friend more than ever and I was willing to put my feelings aside to be there for her. Eventually as our friendship grew stronger, the need to tell her I liked her went out the window because I always knew that no matter what, I'd always be there for her. Sometimes, I feel like I should've told her sooner but when I always thought of a perfect time to do it, I never did. I wasn't sure if this was even a perfect time but I'm honestly sick and tired of waiting so this will do.

I sat up and swiftly took off my pants and briefs. My dick was standing at attention once I saw the way her pussy was glistening and dripping in the moonlight. I put myself back in position between her legs and just as I was about to enter her, she pushed me back.

"Wait Chris."

"What? What you mean wait?"

"I-I can't do this, you're drunk bro."

"I mean, yeah, I did have a few drinks but I ain't drunk."

"You reek of alcohol Christopher, we are not going to do this," she sat up then got off the bed.

"C'mon Rob, look at my dick. I'm hard as a motherfucker which means I'm fully aware of what's going on."

"Maybe you are but if we were gonna do this, I'd rather you not have a whole bunch of liquor in your system."

I groaned. No way we got this far for her to change her mind. Yeah I had a couple of drinks but that don't mean I'm drunk. I feel completely fine.

"Really Robyn? You gonna do me like that? I'm not tryna' have blue balls, at least help me out."

She went to her dresser and took out a shirt and shorts then put them on.

"There's lotion in the bathroom, you can handle it yourself. Now I'm going to bed, I suggest you go in the guest room with that, okay?"

I got up and grabbed her arm before she walked away, "Hell no Robyn, you not going nowhere til you finish what you started."

"And if I don't?"

I looked down at her, staring into her eyes as my hand glided up and down her arm. She began to shiver from my touch and that's when I knew I had her.

"I know you heard the stories Robyn so, are you sure you wanna do that? You can find out sooner than later if you want?"

She smirked then looked me up and down, "I think I'll pass, but I'll take you up on the other offer. Go sit on the bed."

The way Robyn's soft hands were gripping my dick felt amazing. I was upset at first cause I really wanted her to use her mouth instead of her hands but the way my dick was set up, I didn't care what she did, as long as I got my nut out I was good. She stared into my eyes with a seductive look as she did it, which was making it harder for me not to fuck her right now. My hips thrusted up as I came all on her hand.

"Feel better now?"

"Yes and no. Your pussy was calling my name but you just had to drag her away from us," I pointed at myself and my penis.

She chuckled, "I bet. Sober up and we'll see if we can give this another try but for now, you need to sleep it off. We'll talk about this tomorrow."

"Yeah whatever," I mumbled then grabbed my things and left her room.

"Wait, so after all of that, she just ended up giving you a handjob?," Mijo was about to die laughing as I told him the events of last night.

I honestly wasn't gonna tell anyone but Mijo been my boy since diapers and he was one of the few I could really trust. He was also the only one who knew about my true feelings for Robyn. I knew he had my back and I will always have his.

"Yeah man, you don't how tight I was. Shit I still am. Talking about I was drunk, I wasn't that drunk sis."

He continued laughing which was getting me irritated.

"Look nigga it's not funny! If you gon' keep laughing I might as well hang up cause ain't nobody tryna hear that!"

"Alright, alright bro my fault. Look, how about you come down to the court and shoot some hoops? It'll take your mind off of things, aight?"

"Aight bro, but give me a minute I gotta go home and change."


I was so glad I left half of my things at Robyn's crib cause the way my breath was smelling, I highly needed to brush my teeth. After getting dressed, I headed downstairs and found Robyn in the kitchen, sitting at the island and drinking.

"I'm heading out now so I'll see you later."

"Wait Chris," she got up and walks over to me, coming behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

"You're not mad at me right?"

"Me? Mad? No, why would I be?"

"Stop being sarcastic Christopher. You know I love you right?"

"Yes Robyn. Where are you going with this?"

"I'm just tryna say, don't start to have an attitude with me or act different. We are not gonna let what happened and what may happen affect our friendship alright?"

I couldn't keep my straight face on for long as she smiled up at me.

"Aight Rob, I know. I love you too babygirl. I'll see you later."

I kissed her forehead then left out her house.

As I sat in the back of the Uber that came to pick me up, I thought about me and Robyn's conversation. Her saying what may happen kind of had me anxious. I knew she wanted it just as bad as I did but it was probably just a lot for her to process so she used the excuse that I was drunk to stop. She can try to deny me all she wants, but sooner or later I would have her. And I'll make it a night she'll never forget.

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