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I wake up with a sad feeling bubbling inside me, I look outside finding the usual sunny blue sky to be the opposite and just grey and cloudy. I have a shower and get dressed going to down to the common room and wait for the other 3. 

"I'm going somewhere with Dumbledore later" Harry announces as we sit down a the table 

"Where?" I ask 

"I don't know, he never told me where"

"Oh, ok then" I shrug and begin to lead the way out of the common room as we all go to have breakfast.


"Ugh this stupid thing," Ron speaks as he looks into his cauldron

"Why did we make Harry get rid of that book again?" I smirk

"It was dangerous" Hermione replies

"It helped with making these potions more easily though" Harry points out

"He's got a very good point you know" I add

"No, it was dangerous"

I roll my eyes and continue reading my non helpful book as I attempt to make this potion turn out correct. After the lesson is finished we leave except Harry who has to go and meet Dumbledore.

"what do you think it is? What Harry and Dumbledore is doing?"

"No idea" Ron mumbles as we take a seat at the table

"Maybe it's something to do with you know who?" I suggest as I start to fill my plate with food.

"It's probably that"

"So it is potentially dangerous then" Hermione sighs

"He'll be fine, Dumbledore is one of the most powerful wizards and one of the ones who you know who fears" I reassure

She nods ok and begins to eat her food as she reads through a book.

Time Skip

"What's going on out there?" I ask as we're walking through the corridor and see everyone crowding around something outside

"Let's go and look" Ron shrugs heading outside

We make our way through everyone stopping as soon as we reach the front. Dumbledore is laying on the ground. Shortly afterwards many other students have turned up and Harry appears by us but he keeps going and kneels down by Dumbledore. I let my tears escape and Hermione goes over hugging Harry. McGonagall lights her wand raising it up into the sky where one by one we all copy doing the same.

"I can't believe he's gone, he can't be"

"come on, let's go inside" Ron replies as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and we go inside

"How though? I just don't get it" I speak as we take a seat in the common room

"It can't of been you know who surely."

"No, it wouldn't of been him. But now Dumbledore is gone he will get worse, he has nothing to fear anymore. Dumbledore was his barrier stopping him and now it's gone. This is bad, very bad"

Everyone else starts to enter the common room in silence and take a seat. The last ones being Harry and Hermione, I stand up and sit on the arm of the sofa instead letting Harry have my seat.

"Are you ok Harry?" I ask quietly as I lean against Ron

"Not really but H etold me how to get rid of you know who"

"Everything will be ok, we'll be able to get through this as a team. I promise"

"Thanks Paisley" He smiles a little at me

"You're welcome" I stand up and get everyone's attention.

"Cheer up guys, Dumbledore wouldn't want us to be like this. Think of the good times, remember happiness can be found in the darkest of times. If only one remembers to turn on the light" I point my want to the lights and make them from dim to fully lit.

"Dumbledore was amazing, he happened to know everything and he loved to give points out for random things. I remember in 3rd year I was having a debate with the fat lady about her not being a good singer. He was passing and made her allow me entry then awarded Gryffindor 30 points because apparently I had lots of good points."

I use my wand again and make everyone suddenly have a goblet of Pumpkin Juice in there hands and the room to have streamers handing from the ceiling and bowls of lemon drops around.

"Let's celebrate in memory of a great Wizard. To Dumbledore" I smile as I raise my goblet

"Dumbledore" Everyone else smiles as they raise their goblets.

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