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I arrive at the hospital wing with Hermione finding Ron in a bed surrounded by Ginny and some professors along with Harry. I rush over to the other side of the bed. 

"What happened?" I ask 

"He's been poisoned"

"Will he be ok?"

"He will be just fine"

"Where is he? Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?" Lavender asks running in and stopping at the bottom of the bed

"What's she doing here?" She asks whilst glaring at me 

"I could be asking you the same question?"

"I happen to be his girlfriend"

"And I'm his best friend. I've been there for him much longer than you have"

"Don't make me laugh, you haven't spoken to him in weeks. I suppose you want me to break up with him now he's all interesting"

"He's been poisoned you stupid idiot! He's only been of interests to you cause he's doing the best on the Quidditch field and as to not talking to him in weeks who's fault is that? Don't you dare point that one out on just me when he hasn't spoken to Hermione and hardly Harry at all so you can blame that on yourself cause since you've been around he haven't spoken to us either! Why all the sudden do you like him? You don't even know him, I wouldn't be surprised if you was crazy enough to put a love potion on him just so you can become a popular student around here"

Ron starts to make some noise causing us all to look at him 

"See he senses I'm here, Don't worry Won-Won I'm here."

"Pay.....Pais....Paisley...Paisley" He eventually gets there his speech becoming clearer and he turns his head in my direction 

I move and sit on the edge of his bed taking his hand into mine as Lavender runs off crying

"Oh to be young and too feel Love's keen sting" Dumbledore speaks up, God being young was a very very very long time ago for him 

"Come on everyone, Mr Weasley is well tendered to"

Everyone leaves except Harry and Hermione who's grinning at me 

"Oh stop it you two"

"Told you he would come to his senses in the end. Come on Hermione"

I stay until I'm told to leave and that's when I head to bed as it's nearly curfew and I'm pretty tired. 

Next Day

"Ron you're making it snow" I mumble before shoving another piece of toast into my mouth 

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again?" He asks causing Hermione and Harry to look up at me

"When you was in the hospital, she came to see you and you two talked. It wasn't a long conversation"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be out of a relationship with her but she doesn't look like she's taking the news too well"

We look in her direction and I look away as I can't help but let out a quiet giggle, she looks so mad, that poor spoon is going to break any second.

"You say you don't remember anything?" Hermione asks as herself and Harry turn back around to face me and Ron 

"No, I was completely boggled" 

"Boggled" I laugh 

Katie bell walks pass the table causing Harry to get up and leave, He's been trying to talk to her to find out if it was Draco, it was weeks ago but he's still on the Draco is a Death Eater and cursed Katie theory. 

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