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Harry opens the door immedietly getting attacked in a hug by me followed by Ron and Hermione then we all go inside quickly. Tonight is the night we're moving Harry to the Burrow in which we are going to all drink a Polyjuice potion in case any Death Eaters are out there. Ron didn't want me to come but it's my best friend of course I'm going to come.

"Remus and you are what?" I ask excitingly

"We got no time for that" Moody snaps 

"Hey, we are about to go on a Death mission, some good news can help us survive it. It is good news right?" 

"Yeah, we're having a baby" Tonks smile

"Aww that's so cute. Congratulations" I smile hugging her then hugging Remus

"Thank you"

"Yeah yeah now that's over with lets get on"

"Moody much" I mumble causing the twins to burst out laughing

"Sorry" Fred mumbles as they get shot the death glare by Moody. 

"Potter, you're underage, which means you still have the Trace on you."

"What's a trace?" Harry asks 

"If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. Point is, we'll have to use those means of transport the Trace can't detect: Brooms, Thestrals, and the like; we'll go in pairs. That way if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be... they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one."

"The real one?"

"I reckon you're familiar with this particular brew" he smirks whilst pulling out the Polyjuice potion 

"Lets hope Hermione doesn't turn into a cat this time" I chuckle 

"It was one mistake"

"Yeah a funny one though" Ron smirks 

"No, absolutely not" Harry speaks up 

"Told you he'd take it well" Hermione responds 

"No if you think I'm going to let everyone risks their lives for me"

"We haven't done that before" Ron interrupts 

"1st week of knowing you" I also comment referencing to the time Harry didn't complete his homework on time so I gave him mine and took wraps for it. I generally thought Snape was going to rip my head off. Instead he decided to torture my hands and make me tidy up with no magic

"No, this is different. Taking that becoming me no"

The twins start their joking about causing me to not laugh as I'll probably be sent back to the Burrow as myself or I could get sent home. 

"Everyone here is of age Potter. They've all agreed to take the risk"

Hermione rips some of Harry's hair out placing it into the potion, I've always wondered what it would be like to be Harry so this is going to be fun in a way. I forgotten how disgusting this potion actually is, this is where the nerves are starting to kick in. I sort of wished I let Fleur take my place now but then again she's due to get married so her life cannot be at risk. 

"Wow we're identical" The twins says in sync 

"Everyone get changed and with your assigned partner"


"Here" I smile looking at Ron, well Harry but you get what I mean. 

"Be safe"

"You too" I reply hugging him 

"Come on let's go" 

"Ready?" I ask Remus

"Yes, come on lets get outside before we get thrown out"

We all line up and as soon as Moody does his countdown we all take off. Is now the time to say I've never rode my broom at night especially when there is thunder and lightning?I can do this, just head straight for the Burrow and avoid all Death Eaters. Yeah that's easier said than done, they're everywhere. How many stupid evil people are there? Why would you ever want to work for Tom Riddle? He's obviously paying them or got them under the Imperius Curse. 

I pull my wand out shooting all the best and safe spells I can think of at all of the Death Eaters, of course I'd use the killing cure but I'm not going to Azkaban. Me and Remus arrive safely only to find Hagrid and Harry back. We hear the cracking noise and find Tonks and an injured George. 

I run over taking George from Tonks letting her see Remus as I take him inside helping him get onto the sofa. "Are you ok?" I ask quietly 

"I'll be fine"He smiles reassuringly although I can see the pain he's in. 

Everyone else starts to arrive so I go outside with Harry. We both run over and hug Ron and Hermione creating a group hug. 

"Where's George?" Arthur asks causing us to pull apart and me to frown 

"What happened?" Ron asks 

"He got injured but he's going to be ok" I reply as we walk inside  

"How you feeling, Georgie?" Fred asks whilst kneeling down by George 

"Saint like"

"Come again?"

"Saint like, I'm holey." He points to his ear "Holey, get it?"

"The whole world of ear-related humor, and you go for, "I'm holy"? You're pathetic."

"Reckon I'm still better looking than you."

I laugh quietly and rest my head on Ron's shoulder, still managing to pull jokes when he's holey. 

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