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One Year Later 

"Perfect, now the same positions but let's have the groom kissing the Bride's cheeks" The photographer smiles

I smile at the camera as Ron kisses my cheek. I have just married Ron and in all honesty it's the best day of my life. After some more photos we all head back inside where the DJ announces it's the part I have been nervous about. The first dance. 

Truly Madly Deeply by a muggle band called Savage Garden starts to play and Ron wraps his arms around my waist whilst mine goes around his neck. 

"Don't trip" He smirks quietly 

"Same could be said for you, oh wait. McGonagall taught you how to dance in 4th year" I chuckle 

"Stop reminding me of that afternoon, it was embarrassing"

I smirk and place a gentle kiss on his lips 

"I want to stand with you on a mountain, I want to bathe with you in the sea, I want to lay like this forever until the sky falls down on me" I sing along 

"You have a beautiful voice"

"Thank you"

"Do you remember the summer  before the whole battle started and we were watching the shooting stars?"

"Of course I remember it, what about it?"

"You wanted to know what my wish was but I wouldn't tell you. This was my wish" 

"Are you being serious?" 


"You're so cute" I smile brightly and rest my head on his chest as we finish the rest of the dance in silence. 

"You two are adorable" Hermione smiles once we are off the dance floor 

"Thank you" I smile 

"You'll be next" Ron chuckles 

"Not any time soon, there are still things that need to be done before marriage" Harry says and smiles at Hermione 

"Such as?" Ron asks 

"We're going to go and see my parents in 3 days time"

"You found them? That's such good news" Ron smiles 

"Thank you" 

We go to get some food and then I move to take Ron outside, we take a seat on the bench looking up at the stars. 

"Why are we out here?" He asks 

"I need to tell you something"

"Is it good or bad?"

"Depends how you take it"

"Ok, what is it?"

"I'm pregnant"

He looks at me wide-eyed "Are you serious?"


"That's amazing, today really is the best day ever" He smiles and hugs me 

"When are we telling people?" He asks as he pulls away 

"Tonight if you want?"

"Yes, come on. We can say it in the thank you speech"

I nod ok and we walk back inside where we get the mic from the DJ and get everyone's attention. 

"Thank you all for coming" Ron starts and wraps one arm around my waist holding me close 

"Today has been a good day and I'm happy that you all are here to share it with me and my wife. Firstly I want to thank Harry for saying yes to be my best man. I couldn't have overcome my nerves if it wasn't for you. My parents and now my father law for paying for this day to happen. All of you guys for coming and most importantly I want to thank my wife for saying yes to me. Some people couldn't be here today physically but I hope they are here in spirit especially"

He gets emotional and I can tell he's struggling to carry on so I take the mic off him "Especially Fred. He would've loved today and without a doubt would have done a prank so the whole cutting the cake scene wouldn't have ended well. Sirius Black who I know would've made sure we had a lot of drink. He knew how to throw a good party. Remus and Tonks, I saw little teddy dancing with Molly and Arthur who did a great job of taking his parent's place for today and lastly, I would like to hope that Dumbledore is here in spirit today. He truly was a wonderful human being and helped us all more than once. Harry's case definitely being more than once. We are missing a lot of people here today but I know that they are still here in spirit and in our hearts, I want to raise a glass to our angels up there in the sky." 

Everyone raises their glasses and Ron smiles at me whilst mouthing thank you. 

"One more thing before you all enjoy the rest of your night" I speak again 

"We're happy to announce that the next party will be in about 4 months time because me and Ron will be throwing a gender reveal party" 

"You're pregnant?" Molly asks 


Everyone starts clapping and I go to join everyone hugging Dad followed by Molly and Arthur. Once the night is officially over me and Ron go to get changed and then we leave going to spend our Honeymoon in London for the week. Most people would go abroad but honestly, neither of us wanted to and it's cheaper to stay in the country especially now we have a baby on the way.

I know that this is the start to an amazing future and I cannot wait to spend the rest of the days in my life being Mrs Weasley. 

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