Please Don't Hurt Me.

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Darcy P.O.V

After i had managed to get some sleep i was awaken by the blinding light shining through the window, i got up trying not to wake Mariam and made my way down stairs. I heard voices in the sitting room, it was Daniel.

I walked in and Daniel stopped talking. What was it? I sat on the chair opposite Ronnie and he looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"What is it?" i managed to whisper. He coughed slightly before speaking.

"Erm, well... with my job i have to relocate, so uh, we need to move away from here and to the UK" he struggled to get his words out.

I just looked at him. Was this a bad thing? Maybe a new place will help me move on. Clearly i hadn't since lastnight i was screaming the house down. A smile grew on my face which left Ronnie puzzled. I didnt say anything i just walked over to Ronnie and pulled him into a tight hug, he hesitated but he soon held me tight.

"its all good..." i whispered. It was silent but not for long, Mariam was up but she was now throwing up so Ronnie went to go help her leaving me a Daniel alone.

"Well seen as though Ronnie has gone to help Mariam, i will fill you in." What did he mean? He began speaking again.

"Well Ronnie and Mariam need to pack things up and ship them over so..." He paused fidgiting with his hands. "So that means you have to come over with us boys for two weeks and then Ronnie and Mariam will be over" 

What ? I didnt even know who they were or anything? What if i have another nightmare and Ronnie wont be able to help me through the night? Him and Mariam were the only two people who knew what this was all about.

Daniel pulled me into a hug snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Dont worry" he whispered in a soft tone.

I try to shrug it off.

"What, Why would i be worried?" i didnt seem convincing.

"Ronnie told me about lastnight, Hes worried to but dont worry.. you have your bestie" he said giving me a little nidge on the arm, but it was too late... a tear rolled down my cheek.

Why am i crying? Im such a bitch. But instead of saying anything he just pulled me into his chest holding me tight, just like Ronnie does. I liked it. After sitting having a little talk for half an hour Ronnie walked in with a worn out Mariam. I ran over to her hugging her and she just smiled her beautiful smile.

Around dinner time, Ronnie had taken Mariam to go see a doctor and me and Daniel were on our way to his house to see the other boys. Ronnie was meeting us there after they were done with what they had to do.

As i walked into their house i got knocked straight back out of it hitting the floor.

"What do we do? Do we call Ronnie?" my eyes fluttered open to see a worried group of boys pacing infront of me except now, i wasnt on the cold hard ground i was on a bed.

"Guys shes opened her eyes" James said as he leant down by me.

"Thank Fuck" Luke yelled as he too knelt down beside me rubbing my arm.

"Get away from me" I start to freak out, tears straming from my eyes! 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT" I pushed myself as far away from them until i was touching the wall and my knees were burried into my chest.

All of the figures infront of me backed away, they looked scared but why? They are the ones who were trying to hurt me. What did i do to them. Suddenly i heard my name, i looked up to see a worried looking boy walking towards me.

"please dont hurt me" i managed to whisper almost not making a sound.

"Darcy, its me Daniel... you remember, your bestie?" he reached his hand out infront of me making me flinch.

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