Liam and Cara?!

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After an hour and a half of choosing which pictures I liked and didn't like Drew suggested that we order some food but I wasn't too hungry so I said I would just go home and as I stood up to leave Drew grabbed my hand.

"Yes?" I turned around.

"Erm... I think I should take your number just for business stuff" worst excuse ever but I didn't really care... He seems like a nice guy so I gave him my number and told him to text me so I could get his.

I walked up to the counter ordering a vanilla frappé to go and I decided I would walk home. Since we had got here we hadn't really seen much of the place so I just walked around taking in my surroundings and eventually I was back home.

I walked through the door where i put my keys on the table and walked through to the sitting room.

"Hey James" I sat next to him on the sofa.

"How was it?" He asked still focusing on the tv.

"It was okay thanks, where is every body?" I hadn't seen anyone in the kitchen or the games room.

"Oh they all went out I don't know where but Jai only went to the shop down the road."

After sitting watching tv for half an hour I went upstairs onto my laptop just to browse through my things. As soon as I logged on I had a Skype call come through. It was Cara. When I answered her eyes were red and puffy, she had obviously been crying and I felt so bad that I couldn't be there for her and because of the time zones we hardly ever spoke anymore.

"I'm so sorry Darse but I really need someone to talk too!" She cried.

"Well I'm here now babe, I'm sorry I can't be their in person but I'm always just a call away." It breaks my heart seeing her like that.

"Today is the day Darse... I'm going to her funeral in just two hours and I can't face it Darcy, they want me to make a speech but I can't do it!" The tears streamed down her red cheeks. We spoke for the next hour but eventually she had to end the call and go to her Nan's funeral. This must be so scary for her! The only person who has looked after her properly and shown her true love is now leaving her all alone today.

I began crying myself because I didn't want my bestfriend to have to face this alone and we both knew she couldn't go back home. Where was she gonna go? How will she manage on her own?

I sat on my bed for the next hour just crying my eyes out into my pillow thinking of how me and Cara would always go to meals or go shopping with her Nan or sometimes just sit in and watch a movie. She was so caring and kind to anyone.

"Darse..." Ronnie came through the door. "Darcy what's wrong? Has something happened? Did someone hurt you?!" His voice changed a little after he finished and he was slightly angry but I just cuddled him into my arms and cried.

I finally got my words out and told him about Cara's Nan and about how she was ill before we left and how she sadly passed away. I also told him about how this meant Cara had to go home and how this could only end badly as he just sat there and listened. Cara would often stay at ours sometimes and Ronnie treat her like our sister so this made him a little upset and he sent a quick text sending his wishes but that's all he really could do.

That night I waited up late to hear from Cara and at 3am I finally got a text from her telling me about the whole thing. I was very proud of her as she told me she managed to tell her speech and how she met all of her Nan's bingo buddies and all of her close friends, she was so happy that a lot of people showed up to show there respects but honestly I could tell she was still broken. She then told me about how Liam was there... My ex boyfriend. We were in a relationship for 2 year and in that time period he cheated on me endless amounts but me being the stupid bitch I am, I always took him back!

Text message.

From: Cara<3

Liam was so supportive and didn't leave my side the whole time... My boyfriend however was there for like 10 fucking minutes! Stupid cunt! I hate that bastard!

To: Cara<3

Babe you don't need him and Liam was there? Haven't spoke to him since the break up, I still hate that prick for what he's done! I always have nightmares even when I'm nowhere near the prick! Just promise me one thing? You won't let him treat you the way he treat me? Anyway I'm gonna go now, good night or what ever; stupid time zones... Loveyou!xxx

That night I again had another night mare this was like the third one since moving here, they weren't as bad as before but I still woke up sweating because of them.

The next day was boring, for me anyway. The boys were out videoing something for there next DareSundays but I just stayed home and had a lazy day. Me and Daniel sat and talked when they had finished filming but I kept freaking out over small noises off some of the boys if they dropped something. Jai was the only one who knew about my nightmare last night as he was the only one who heard and came in too see me so he kept looking over at me. I knew he was only making sure I was okay but it just made things worse.

I logged onto my Facebook and had a look down my timeline and there was a picture of Liam and Cara?! What the fuck! He had his arm around her with that smirk plastered on his face. He knew she was vulnerable right now.. He wouldn't hurt her would he?

I sent her a quick text asking about the photo, I know it wasn't my business if she was with him but I was just looking out for her. She didn't reply so I'm presuming she is asleep. I needed to relax.

I walked up the stairs and turned the bath on, right now I just needed a nice hot bubble bath to help me clear my head. I turned the lights off and just sat in the bath for a little while which was surprisingly very relaxing until Jai knocked on claiming he needed the toilet. Why couldn't he use another bathroom? We have like six in the house. I got out and wrapped the towel around my body letting him in whilst I went to my room to get changed this time locking my bedroom door.

"Darcy, are you hungry? We're ordering in." Beau said from the other side of the door.

"No thank you" I shouted back.

I hadn't ate anything all day but I just felt sick every time I even looked at food.

Text message.

From: Cara<3

Oh hi, sorry phone has been dead. But no need to worry me and Liam are just friends nothing more. And he took the picture last night... He asked me to stay at his because I wasn't in any fit state to stay at my Nan's on my own especially on the day of the funeral. Anyway got to go now I'm meeting up with him again, he said he wants to cheer me up... No need to worry babe! Ly xxxxx

I didn't even bother replying I knew what he was trying to do! He just wanted to take advantage of her the stupid cunt! Urgh. Just as I put my phone down and attempted to get some sleep Drew text me.

Text message.

From Drew:

Hey Darcy, April told me to text you... We have a shoot tomorrow same place at 1pm and she told me to tell you to wear something comfortable because we will be there for up to 3 hours and we will be changing all the time. See you there xx

To: Drew

Thanks for telling me, why couldn't April do it herself haha? Okay see you there at 1 :)xx

After watching some more tv I eventually drifted off.


Just a quick update!

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