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I stood outside the church, staring up at the clouds in the sky. My ushers, sans Daniel (who was giving Ally away) stood with me. I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I was getting married. Maybe this was all happening too soon. Maybe I shouldn't get married. What if I was a terrible husband? I would definitely be a rubbish father, that's for certain. Maybe I shouldn't go through with this. But Ally would be so angry... Better to leave her now, before we were married, than to leave her later and have to file divorce papers.

"John," I said, without turning to look at him. "Do you mind giving me a moment?"

John, as well as the rest of the ushers, obliged, much to my relief. As they were leaving, Mycroft turned to me, and held eye contact for an uncomfortable period of time. He had a knowing look in his eyes, and I once again hated his superior intellect.

Once they were gone, I headed to the main road and hailed a cab. "Scotland Yard," I ordered to the cabbie.

I threw open the doors of Scotland Yard rather dramatically, and strode inside authoritatively. My entrance, however, was not as impressive without my usual coat and scarf.

"Sherlock?" asked Anderson, as idiotic as ever.

"That's my name, don't wear it out!" I trilled rudely in singsong as I headed to Lestrade's office.

"Aren't you supposed to be at your own wedding?" asked Donovan, as I passed her desk. I ignored her, and slipped into Lestrade's office.

Finally. Some peace and quiet.

I sat in his chair, but decided that it might seem unusual if I did that, so I hid under his desk instead. Yeah, that's what I was doing. Hiding.

I heard Anderson and Donovan talking behind the police glass, but because of the wall, I could only hear the sound of voices, and not what they were actually saying. I heard a dial tone, and then Donovan's voice speaking to whomever it was who picked up the other end.

She probably called John. No, she definitely called John.

I sat under the desk, feeling like I was a child, and this was some massively twisted, absurd game of hide and seek.

After about a quarter of an hour, the door banged open and the sound of many footsteps filled the room. Ally, Lestrade, Daniel, John, Molly, Mycroft, Mary, Genevieve, Mrs. Hudson, someone I didn't know, Donovan, and Anderson. I was slightly amazed that so many people could fit in this tiny office, on the other side of the desk.

"He's under the desk," I heard Donovan say.

"Under the desk?" said Lestrade, as if he thought the notion was stupid. "You can't be serious."

"Well then where is he?" asked Anderson, rhetorically.

"Stop arguing." snapped Ally. Oh God. Ally. How was I going to-

My thought process was interrupted by the appearance of her form crouching down to look under the desk, looking straight at me as I sat, backed up against the right corner with my legs folded and my knees tucked up under my chin. I hugged my shins.

She looked lovely, and I could see why she didn't want me to see her in the dress. But I still thought it was stupid that I hadn't been allowed to see it before.

"Sher," she said, not sounding the least bit angry. Odd... "Enough games. Can we get married now?" 

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