Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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December, 2011.

Unfortunately, Rachel had been forced to get a job to keep up with the quality of living (and wardrobe size) that she was used to. After months of searching (honestly, she was a bit shocked that her exciting and irresistible personality had not afforded her any immediate offers) she had finally secured a job as a waitress at a little french cafe a couple blocks away from her apartment. And although Rachel Berry was not designed to serve other people, she could kind of picture herself telling the tear-jerking sob story of her turbulent ascent to the top, where she had to struggle through painful years of being objectified as a lower class waitress, harshly treated by the cold and cruel citizens of New York City at a decaying, cock roach infested cafe (she might need to exaggerate slightly for dramatic effect). She could see the title on 60 Minutes already: Rachel Berry, the three-time tony winner's untold story.

"Earth to new girl.."

Rachel jumped slightly at the obtrusive pink haired waitress invading her personal space. It took her a second to realize that her blindingly bubblegum colleague was handing her a bucket and mop.

"You're on bathroom duty."

Rachel held in a groan as she took the cleaning tools. Her daydream had been so much more glamorous. But as she made her way to the unpleasant area of the cafe, she couldn't help but smile as she remembered how well her classes had been going for her lately. She had been an early favorite with the teachers since day 1, and even though it was pretty much impossible for her voice to improve from its already established level of perfection, her dancing and acting were making leaps and bounds each day. Cheryl, her singing coach, had already invited a couple of agents to a performance, and had hinted to Rachel that she would definitely be receiving offers for representation soon.

And although Rachel's high maintenance and sometimes grating persona predictably prevented her from making friends (her relentless enthusiasm was so not cool to the jaded and blase hipsters that lived in her neighborhood, and her fellow actors blatantly resented both her talent and the lavish praise she received), she was still enjoying the exciting rhythm of her new life. At least on a shallow level. Yes, she had gotten used to having friends her final years of high school (the Glee club had finally warmed up to her once she had toned down the diva behavior a couple notches), but she knew how to deal with being alone from her other 16 years of practice. Rachel Berry had long ago come to terms with the fact that it was lonely at the top, and being adored by millions fans would ostracize a star from the public and inhibit her from building real relationships, so it was best if she adapted to that lifestyle now rather than later. Just because a temporary detour involving (as she had recently dubbed him) 'he who must not be named' had deluded her into thinking she could have friends, love, AND fame, didn't mean that she hadn't been bitterly disillusioned in the end. And she wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Really, she kept telling herself, things couldn't have been going better.

But there was still something missing. And when she looked deep inside herself, it wasn't difficult to figure what, or more appropriately, who, that was. So she just chose to tuck the unpleasant thought in a deep inaccessible niche in her head where she wouldn't have to think about it instead.

Her thoughts were interrupted for a second time, this time by the vibration of her cell phone. Turning around to make sure none of the other employees could see her, she quietly answered.


"It's Kurt. I just realized we live in the same city and we've only had one lunch date since we both moved out of that cow-infested hillbilly-ridden town called Lima, and that's not okay. I get that it's been weird since what happened at Mr. Schue's wedding between you and my bumbling and awkward step-brother, but I miss you girl, and us Mid-Westerners need to stick together in this crazy city."

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