Chapter 9: Just For This Moment

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Still May, 2015.

Finn looked down at the the phone in his hand and took a deep breath. He had just enjoyed a humongous breakfast burrito (even though it was past lunch time) provided by the hotel's room service and was now manning up to the fact that he needed to call his girlfriend. He unwillingly dialed the number and prepared himself for some verbal abuse.

"Where the hell have you been? You better have a really good excuse for ignoring my calls for the past two days or we are done! And I mean it! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to call your boyfriend's agent to find out where he is? Only to learn that he's taken a flight to the opposite side of the country without even texting you a simple goodbye? I'm so sick and tired of having to deal with your annoying mood swings. You know I'm not just some trophy girlfriend to hang on your arm and smile for the cameras and call up for a booty call whenever the urge so finds you, I'm actually a person with actual feelings and if you don't start apologizing within the next thirty seconds I swear.."

Finn felt the guilt knot up in his stomach. What was he doing? His mom had taught him to treat girls better than this...

"I know I know, I'm really sorry. But Janice had to whisk me off to New York for this really huge possible movie deal like, right away. And I was going to call you right when I arrived before I realized I had accidentally packed my phone in my check-in luggage which was sent to the hotel before I got there because I had to meet with the studio as soon as I got off the plane. And then the audition lasted for so long that by the time I got back to the hotel I was so exhausted I just passed out with my clothes still on."

He crossed his fingers, hoping she would buy it.

"Fine, whatever. But even if I believed you, what's your excuse for ditching me at the wrap party huh?"

Oh shit. He had totally forgotten about that.

"I was just so tired that night and I knew you had friends there to give you a ride and I texted you but I guess you must not have gotten it?"

He was lying through his teeth. And she knew it as she remained silent on the other end of the line.

"Melissa, I know I've been kind of difficult lately and I'm sorry about that. But I'm going to be in New York for two months, so maybe it will be good for us to spend some time apart.."

"No. There is no way that you're going to break up with me after all the shit you've just pulled. We're done when I say we're done. And you know what? I've been meaning to go on a vacation after the back to back jobs I've been working, and New York might just be the perfect location."

Oh you've got to be kidding me...

"Do you honestly think that's the best idea?"

"Yes I do," her voice softened a little, "We need to fix this. I don't know what's been going on with you lately but I miss you. I'll probably get there in a couple weeks because I have those two charity events I've already RSVP'd to, so until then I recommend you work out whatever issues you've been going through so we can go back to normal."

Finn gave up, "Fine, whatever."

"I'm glad we talked this out. I'll call you again tomorrow to update you with my travel schedule. I love you boo."

You mean you're glad you talked this out.

"Yeah you too."

And with that he hung up the phone.

Christ, why was he such a pansy? He had literally had relinquished control of every aspect of his life to various people. Janice conducted his career while Melissa organized his personal life, and he willingly let them because it was just easier that way. It was sickening. And his recent break-down wasn't actually recent, it was just like the removing of a facade. He was just tired of faking happiness when he had none.

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