Something (Unlike) an Introduction

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First of all, I think I'm probably using Wattpad wrong... from what I've read on the tin, this is supposed to be a place where you primarily write and share fiction, imaginary stories, stuff that's all made up....

But here – in MONDO TOKYO – you will find here are pictures I've taken mostly over the last five years (2012-2017), along with detailed explanations thereof, documenting a patch of time I've been travelling back and forth between the US and Japan for work (spoilers: I work for Crunchyroll and edit Otaku USA magazine).

All the images come from my Instagram feed... and in no way do I consider myself a photographer. The evidence is on my side: expect a master class in high contrast overdose, sharpness filter abuse, and blown-out colors galore. Any aesthetic I have is purely accidental. Given a toy like Instagram (and now, Wattpad), I'm clearly going to march off in the wrong direction with it. But at least this time, there might actually be a goal in mind...

I'm going to embark on a long fiction project soon (which Wattpad will likely play a big role in) and I need the exercise of writing and posting my own stuff real bad. A decade ago, this would have meant just keeping up my blog, but there's no denying that time and digital media have moved on. Still, I need a place to play.

Then there's Tokyo and Japan...

I first went over there in 1999 and have been ping-ponging back and forth ever since, living there several months out of the year now. Like a lot of people, I sort of fell in love with a place I'd been dreaming about since I was a little kid whose life was taken over by anime, manga, and especially Godzilla movies. Visiting the city was a rare case of the reality living up to the dream, but I don't want to romanticize it too much. Every dream is different. Or maybe every reality is different (just adjust the contrast, sharpness, and saturation and make your own). I really don't know anymore, but I am actually OK with that. I hope you are, too.

Welcome to MONDO TOKYO...

- Patrick Macias

MONDO TOKYO: Snapshots from Inside Japanese SubcultureWhere stories live. Discover now