Chapter 8

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Akaashi's POV
Kenma seemed oddly flustered as I emerged from the back room.
His cheeks were a blazing red and he was avoiding eye contact with all his customers, not that is was unusual but the way he shifted his feet was.
"Kenma, what's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked him, concerned.
"I-I gave m-my number to the h-hot guy over t-there." He mumbled, pointing towards Bokuto-san's table.
A small knot seemed to form in my stomach as I proceeded in asking, "You gave Bokuto-san your number?"
"Oh no, I gave it to the other guy. The owl guy seems to only have eyes for you."
My worries seemed to fade away as soon as I knew it wasn't Bokuto that Kenma was interested in. I smiled at the last comment that Kenma made.
"Do you really think so?"
"You'd be blind to not be able to see it." He stated bluntly, not leaving anything up for discussion.
"So, about the other guy, do you think he'll call you?"
"I hope so." Is all he whispered to me before busying himself with clearing tables, obviously trying to avoid the subject.
He subtlety steered clear of the back booth as well, poor Kenma he always get embarrassed so easily.
I looked up from my position behind the cash register to see a certain spiky haired boy beckoning me over to him.

Bokuto's POV
Kuroo had had his moment, now it was my chance to have mine.
I called Akaashi over with my hand, waving at him madly to get his attention. He slipped out from behind the counter, and oh how his small frame was so pleasing to the eye.
He stepped towards our table, never making a sound with his steps.
"Kuroo, remember the plan okay?"
I asked him quickly before Akaashi was in earshot, he just gave me a nod as reply.
"Is there something you needed?" Oh how Akaashi's voice was mesmerising. I just sat there mute, not wanting to ruin mine and Kuroo's plan.
"Yes there is actually, Bo here needs you." I couldn't believe Kuroo had said that. All he was supposed to do was get his number like I'd done for him, but no he had to go and embarrass me.
Akaashi's face was now tinted pink, not as bad at my madly blushing face. He didn't know how to respond.
"Akaashi, would you maybe, uh, wanna catch a movie sometime? I mean only if y-you want to?" I jumped in before Kuroo could do any more damage to the situation.
The beautiful boy just stared at me, barely acknowledging what I'd said. He just stood there, while I sat fidgeting while hoping I hadn't fucked up.
My words must've finally sunken in after 2 minutes of utter silence, because next thing I knew he was smiling at me and nodding.
I hadn't realised I'd been holding my breath and let out a long gasping sound as I almost choked on my latte.
Had he really said yes?
Maybe I was just hearing things?
"W-wait, did you say y-yes?"
"Yes I did Bokuto-san."
His sweet voice and angelic smile reassured me that I wasn't in fact dreaming, I think me punching myself also confirmed this.
I looked over the table to see Kuroo directing his shit-eating grin at me.
Sometimes I hate him.
But this time, this time I owed him.

Akaashi's POV
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, but I didn't know why.
What was this feeling?
I seemed to always be getting butterflies when I was around Bokuto-san. Was he making me ill?
I'd agreed to catch a movie with him sometime, because well, I just wanted to be around him. His smile was infectious and I couldn't do anything but smile too. His eyes were always closed when he laughed, so he never saw me staring at him, but he was beautiful.
Oh so beautiful. But I don't think he knew it.
He told me that we could go back to his place after my shift, but I didn't finish until 8.
"Bokuto-san, my shift doesn't finish until 8 so please don't wait around for me."
"But Akaaaashiiiii I want to wait for you. I'll sit here and wait."
I liked the way he'd said my name, dragging out each syllable and rolling it off of his tongue. My name isn't the only thing I want being rolled off his tongue.
Wait. What? What was I thinking? My cheeks flushed a hot pink from the thoughts running through my head.
"No 'buts', I'm waiting here and then we can catch a film at my house. It's not like we have school tomorrow's anyway."
He grinned at me knowing he'd won the argument. He was right though, there was no school tomorrow so I had nothing to lose.
I went back to cleaning after we'd made the arrangements.
I swear I've never cleaned tables faster in my life, I was willing time to go faster but if course it didn't. The whole time Bokuto waited patiently for me.
His friend left around 6:30ish, but not before winking at Kenma and giving Bokuto a pat on the back for 'good luck'.
What did Bokuto need good luck for?
And why was Kenma going red?
The next hour and a half seemed to go on forever, until finally the clock struck 8 and I locked up.
Kenma had already left and I was the only remaining person at the shop, apart from Bokuto of course.
Once I was sure the place was secure I slipped on my coat and braced myself for the cold night.
I breathed out and my breath create a mist in front of me, great.
I turned the key in the door and headed towards my owl friends house.
Our hands brushed together now and then, my cheeks flushed a bright red each time.
What was wrong with me? Why was I being like this?
We walked together in silence, only Bokuto-san's humming breaking the noiseless night. Street lamps leading the way, until we reached an alleyway.
I was hesitant to walk through it, I mean can you really blame me?
There was no light so the path was barely visible in the dark.
But Bokuto just reached for my hand and held it, I turned my head towards him, a confused expression on my face.
"Trust me."
Was all he said, and I did.
I trusted this boy.

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