Chapter 1

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Bokuto's POV
Stupid me. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I left the house 5 minutes ago and the weather was fine. The forecast had been fine. Why did I agree to meet Kuroo today?
The rain was pelting down on my hair at full speed and I was soaked from head to toe. My hair has drooped and so has my mood. I'd spent so long spiking it today as well.
Maybe I can cancel on him? Even go home maybe? Yeah. I'm gonna cancel, but home's so far away now. The sky was giving all it had at me, rain getting heavier as I trudged along. I was near town by this point and there was no point heading home now.
I needed to find cover quickly though or I'd surely be down with a cold tomorrow, great. A cold just as school starts back up after Christmas.
I begrudgingly dragged my feet to the nearest coffee shop I could see and walked in.
The bell indicating I had entered, warm air hitting me. Wrapping itself around my now shivering body. At some point my teeth had started clattering but I hadn't noticed.
I approached slowly towards the counter, feeling my feet squelch beneath me with each step. I stood trying to catch someone's attention before eyeing the small buzzer on the tabletop. The buzzer that you click for service. I felt stupid now. How had I missed that?
I spun around to make sure no one had been watching me before clicking the button.
I waited a few minutes, warmth finally sinking into my body. My damp clothing becoming quite uncomfortable and clingy at this point.
No one came to the counter. So I pressed the button again.
And once again I waited, pulling out my wallet to pass the time. Finally, just when I was about to prepare myself for the rain once again, a dark haired boy popped up out of nowhere. No not just a dark haired boy, but an extremely pretty dark haired boy.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting Sir, we're short staffed today."
I almost didn't acknowledge that he'd spoken to me. I was watching his eyes, they were sparkling. It reminded me of the stars. His voice had been so soft, so apologetic. Could I really be mad about the wait? The answer was no, no I couldn't. Not at this boy anyway. Someone else, maybe, but not him, he was different. He had an aura of mystery about him, a mystery I wanted to figure out.
When I realised I still hadn't replied I started to blush fiercely. I'd been staring. Oh god. He thought I was a creep. What should I do? Act like it hadn't happened? I could still bolt for the door though. I'd never see him again if I was careful.
I wanted to see this boy again, that I knew for sure. So I played it cool. Like super cool. Like cooler than an ice cube type of cool.
"It's okay hot stuff, I don't mind waiting for you."
Shit. I'm so stupid. Why did I say that? Maybe I should just run for it while I have the chance. Then I heard laughter, it was rich like chocolate. It was his laugh. I watched as his eyes creased slightly when he closed them and he threw his head back.
His laugh was quiet, but oh how it was addicting. Like a drug, I wanted more, I wanted for it to never stop. His laugh was a drug and I think I was an addict.
"You're f-funny!"
He stated, gasping for breath after his laughing fit. Once he'd composed himself he smirked at me, oh how it was hot. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I covered my face with my hands in an attempt to hide it. Failed. He saw it and I was so embarrassed. I wanted to know his name, he wasn't wearing a name tag and I didn't want to ask.
"My name's Akaashi Keiji, in case you were wondering."
It was as if he'd read my mind. Akaashi Keiji. What a beautiful name, it suited him well.
"I'm Bokuto Koutarou, but you can call me Bokuto-san."
I said the last part while winking at him.
"Well Bokuto-san, what can I get for you today?"
It was only then that I realised I hadn't even ordered my coffee yet. I'd been so hung up about this boy that I'd forgotten how cold I was. But now I was reminded of it I began to shiver again.
Akaashi looked concerned and offered to get me a blanket which I politely refused.
"I'd love a latte though."
I'd told him instead, it was my favourite and right now I needed it to warm me up.
"Coming right up, please go take a seat Bokuto-san. I'll bring it over to you when it's done."
I did as he said and proceeded towards a booth at the back of the shop, close to the radiators and sat there. I was trying to forget how cold I was but it seemed almost impossible.
But the cold wasn't the only thing that seemed impossible to forget.


Okay so this is my BokuAka fic. I'm gonna spend a lot more time on this one than I did on my KuroKen one. Thank you to anyone who reads this and actually likes my writing. Please do vote, I'm probably going to update every two weeks on Monday. Hope you all enjoy (:

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