Chapter 11

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Bokuto's POV
Me and Akaashi have been dating for almost 3 months now.
It's been such an enjoyable 3 months as well, and guess where we got to spend our 3 month anniversary?
At training camp, whooop!
We saw Kuroo there as well, with Kenma. I didn't know they went to the same school but apparently they did. Turns out Kenma was his setter.
Kuroo had been telling me about his setter for the last 2 months but I never pieced the two pieces of information together, until now of course.
I was happy for them, they seemed to suit eachother well. It suited me and Akaashi as well because he was best friends with Kenma, and well,
KUROO WAS MY BRO of course.
Our first practice match had been against Karasuno, their freakishly quick duo was soon something we got used to.
Akaashi saw straight through it, tactics running through his mind as the orange fluff ball spiked the ball.
Straight into Akaashi's face. I rushed to his aid, like the highly trained boyfriend I was. "AKAAAASHIIII ARE YOU OKAY?!?! WHERE DOES IT HURT?!"
The worry was showing in my tone as I felt my voice crack from concern.
"Bokuto-san, I'm fine."
"I told you to call me Kou, stop being so formal."
This was not the time to be having the debate about what he called me, but I didn't care.
Once we'd sorted the matter out, agreeing he would call me Kou as long as I called him Keiji, the practice match began again from where we'd left off.
We proceeded to win the match with ease, waiting gleefully as the opposing team had to do diving drills.
Smiles plastered all over ours faces, feeling lucky that that wasn't us.
It was absolutely boiling in the gym. I couldn't seem to understand how Akaashi was still wearing long sleeves.

Akaashi's POV
"Keiji, why do you always wear long sleeves? Aren't you hot?"
I was surprised he'd even picked up on the fact I wore them all the time, no matter the season or temperature.
"They're comfy, and no I'm not hot." I told him bluntly, thinking he would forget about the topic.
It seemed he almost had, just as I thought the silence would continue he broke it.
"At least roll your sleeves up, otherwise you'll get heatstroke or something." His concern was not welcome, but I don't think he picked up on my disinterested to discuss the matter.
"Kou, I'm okay. Honestly." This didn't seem to satisfy him as he made a grab for my arms.
I dodged him quickly, aware of the pain they were already suffering. No need for him to hurt them more.
And yet he dived at me again, so once again I avoided him. Watching him carefully now, to be sure of when he'd move again.
We went on like this for what seemed like minutes before finally we were due to warm up for our match against Nekoma.
"I can't believe you don't trust me." He hissed in my ear as we were jogging.
"I do trust you." I told him, reassuringly.
"Then what are you hiding?" He spoke these words in such a cold and hostile tone. It made me even more sure that I didn't want him to find out. He wouldn't understand. I just knew he wouldn't
"I'm not hiding anything." I flashed him a smile as I said it. But his expression told me he didn't believe it, as I watched him trudge over to the opposite corner. Great. I'd started one of his emo phases, and just before our practice match too!

Bokuto's POV
I knew Akaashi was hiding something. He'd made it painfully obvious, whether he'd meant to or not.
I hated the fact that he didn't trust me enough to tell me what it was either. I was frustrated, so I skulked off to the corner of the gym, purposely warming up as far away from him as I could.
The game had finally started, we were losing 5-12, not my proudest moment. Yet still I refused to spike Akaashi's tosses.
"Bokuto-san!" He'd shout, trusting I'd be there to hit it. But I never was. The whole team watching over and over again as the ball kept dropping to the floor. Each bounce becoming tedious as the time went by.
Eventually Akaashi got the message and tossed to the rest of the team.
He was expecting me to get over my 'emo phase' before the end of the game. Oh how I disappointed him.
If he doesn't want to talk to me about stuff, then I don't want to talk to him.
Call me petty all you like. He deserved it.

Akaashi's POV
The match ended with us losing all 3 sets. After the gym had been cleared up and the cool down was finished I walked over to Bokuto.
"Kou, speak to me!" I pleaded with him. He just looked up at me, I could see anger flaring in his eyes.
But sadness was written all over his face. He just sat there looking at me, staring. Making no move to open his mouth, to even acknowledge me speaking.
Just as I was about to walk away, he opened his mouth. I was relieved, until I heard what he had to say.
"Don't call me that." He said sharply. I was quite taken aback by this. Only a couple of hours ago he was telling me to call him Kou and now he's saying not to. How mad was he? And about what?
Surely it couldn't be because of the long sleeves?
"What do you mean?" I questioned him, cautious as not to say his name.
"I mean, don't call me that." He growled at me.
"Why?" I asked him.
"WHY? I'LL TELL YOU WHY!" He was shouting now, only breaking to take in sharp breaths. All eyes had now turned to us as people listened in on what was about to be said. "BECAUSE MY BOYFRIEND IS HIDING SOMETHING, THATS WHY! YOU DONT DESERVE TO CALL ME BY MY NAME THEN HIDE SOMETHING FROM ME!"
Once again he stopped to take a breath.
"Akaashi..." He looked me dead in the eyes, and I knew that what was coming next was going to be bad. "Maybe we should take a break, if you cant trust me then I don't think we should be together."
I couldn't believe my ears. Tears started to well in my eyes and I tried desperately to reason with him.
"Kou, you don't mean it. No. I don't want that."
"I'm sorry Akaashi, but I'm breaking up with you."
He said it with no emotion, as he rose from his seat and exited the gym.
I was left in a heap on the floor, crying my heart out.

A/N: so many updates Ik Ik but I can't help it I'm so hyped that I finished this fic and just wanna upload the chapters to here ya go ((:

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