Chapter 4

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Bokuto's POV
I'd just started to doze off when suddenly my quiet time was interrupted. I sensed somebody sitting down in front of me but kept my eyes shut anyway, waiting for them to speak so I could be sure it was Akaashi.
"Bokuto-san, the shop's going to close soon. I think you should wake up."
Yes, it was Akaashi. I could identify his angelic voice anywhere, he spoke to me in a hushed tone and I struggled to stop myself from blushing.
Reluctantly I opened my eyes one at a time, scanning my surroundings as I did so. It was dark outside and there was no one left in the coffee shop.
My latte was still untouched, and now had gone cold from the lack of heat. I glanced quickly up at the clock on the wall, it was 8 o'clock. I was supposed to be home by now but oh well.
I allowed my eyes to rest on the dark haired boy in front of me and my face lit up with a grin.
He smiled shyly back at me but never once dropped my gaze. We sat in silence for a few minutes, it was a comfortable silence, but eventually it was broken.
"So Bokuto-san what did you want to talk about?" He asked me this cheerfully but I detected a hint of worry in his voice.
"Don't sound so worried," I told him. "I just wanted to get to know you better."
"Oh, okay. What would you like to know?"
"What school do you go to?" I started by asking the question which I thought would be the least intrusive on the long list of things I wanted to know.
"Fukurodani, it's not far from here actually."
I almost couldn't believe my ears. He went to the same school as me? How have I not seen him before?
"OMG SO DO I!!" He looked slightly taken aback at the sudden change in my volume, also the fact I'd stood up probably didn't help. I slowly eased back into my seat and smiled at him.
"Sorry about that, I uh, I was just excited that we go to the same school. Do you mind me asking what class you're in?"
"Class 6, second year." He stated, not seeming to mind my eagerness to know him.
"That's just down the hall from my class, I'm in class 1, third year." He didn't seem too surprised that our classes were so near each other. "How come I haven't seen you before?"
He was hesitant to answer my new question but replied to me anyway.
"If I'm being honest Bokuto-san I've seen you around before, and not just a couple of times but a lot. I've been wanting to speak to you for a while but haven't had the guts."
I was stunned, a beautiful boy like Akaashi was worried about speaking to someone as plain as me?
He was edging towards the end of the booth now and chewing his lip with worry, I could tell the conversation had made him feel awkward so I quickly changed the topic
"So you used to play Volleyball?"
"Yeah, used to. Only in junior high, I wasn't very good though."
His expression was the same as last time, the hint of sadness in his features.
"Why don't you try out for the team? You said you played setter and we really need one at the moment." He looked up at this but the sadness in his expression didn't become any less, it only grew heavier and more obvious.
"You wouldn't want me on the team, Bokuto-san. I'd only hold you and everyone back."
"No you wouldn't. I'm sure you wouldn't. Please try out."
I was becoming very aware of the time now, and I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket every 30 seconds. I was sure it was my mum who was ringing me but I wasn't going to let her interrupt this moment.
"I'll think about it." He didn't smile again but I don't think he was as sad as he had been.
"Tomorrow after school, I'll be expecting you Akaashi. I'm sorry but I've got to get home now, but I'll see you tomorrow."
I waved goodbye to him as I pushed my way through the door and into the cold chill of the night.
It was extremely dark and I was thankful for the streetlight, the only thing stopping me from tripping over my own feet.
The walk up the hill seemed ever-lasting and with every breath I took, a cloud of mist would appear.
Once I'd reached the top of the hill I pulled out my phone and texted my mum, I'd had 15 missed calls from her and thought I should let her know I was heading home.
I was sure to get an earful from her when I stepped into the house but for now I could enjoy the evening.
I was soaking up the silence and the view of the houses still lit up was spectacular.
I continued my walk down the hill after I'd taken in the landscape.
I was fast approaching the dark alleyway, it wasn't lit at this time of night and I had no way of knowing what was lurking in the darkness.
I was too tired to walk round it though so I headed in feet first. Luckily I came out of the other side unscathed.
The walk back to school was gruelling and my legs felt like they'd fall off by the time I reached the gates.
I wish that had been the end of my travels but sadly it was not, I still had to walk another block to reach my front door.
I was scarcely awake now and had been beating myself up over not leaving the shop earlier, but then I remembered how I'd got Akaashi to sign up for volleyball tryouts and I just couldn't seem to be mad at myself any longer.
It was half past nine by the time I unlocked my porch door and strolled carelessly into my house.
It was only when I heard my mum make a noise in the kitchen that I remembered how mad she was, I bolted it up the stairs and fell straight into my bed.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light and my only thoughts were of Akaashi.
Me and Akaashi playing volleyball together, to be more precise.
This was the person I wanted to share the court with.


A/N: hoping your all liking the story so far. It's going to start getting a lot more interesting soon and yes in case you're all wondering, KuroKen (otp) will be a low-key ship in this story.

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