chapter zero

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YOUR LEAVING me. Your leaving me to race around god dang Africa! ❞

I winced, making a face in the mirror as my girlfriend stumbled after me. The pale light illuminated in the bathroom, cream tiles robbing my feet of their warmth. Suddenly, the blond appeared next to me in the reflective wall. Her face was red, tears scorning her plump cheekbones and defined chin. She always showed this emotional side, and I was bloody sick of it right now.

"How would I know what your doing there? For all I know, you could be getting it in with some African babe! Or, for bloody hell, you could just be pulling my hair, for all I know you could be crashing at your mates house getting wasted like the bum you are!"

I was silent, turning the sink on. The rockets of water poured down, running down my hand. I grabbed my toothbrush, plucking on a dab of toothpaste. I continued to brush while she continued to swear at me. The more she spoke, the more I felt the largest urge to slap her. Now, I would never hurt her really, but goddamn was she making things hard for me.

"I don't know why you always do this! I don't know why you make me get like this. Really, I love you. But really, are you an idiot? Only one would race across Africa! And what for, absolutely nothing! I am not letting you go. I'm your girlfriend and I forbid you. I don't even know how your parents said yes!"

I spit out the excess of my toothpaste. I turned around, my arms tensed and my shoulders up and straining. My eyes plucked over her for a short moment, my lips snapped shut.

"You really don't know anything, do you? I'm going to Africa and it's final. The reason I'm going, you ignorant prude girl, is to win money for a charity. A charity, that is for adolescent cancer. Now if that's not a good enough reason for going, then not only are you ignorant and prude, but your also selfish and disrespectful. So yeah, I am going. Goodbye."

I grabbed the duffle bag that waited at the door, wiping my mouth off with the back of my hand. I stared long and hard at her. This wasn't the first time this had happened, but damn right it was the last.

"But I'm your girlfriend, and your my boyfriend. And by that, I won't let you go."

"But your not my girlfriend, not anymore. And I'm not your boyfriend, I'm Louis Tomlinson. And by that, I'm going."


so that was the prologue ♡  

it was a little short, but i guess ... na, it's just short. 

yeah, so louis has-i mean, had, a girlfriend before he left. 

but she was ignorant, prude, selfish, and disrespectful so he said bye-bye! 

anyway i hope you enjoyed! 

if you did, please, please, please let me know by commenting below or giving a like! 

id really love some feedback from you babes.

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