If You Randomly Tag Them

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Ayato: "What? Why the fuck did pancake tag me?" Ayato, as you can see, will be pissed and confused.

Kanato: "So, I see she tagged me." Kanato will be really curious. He'll check out why you tagged him, like it, and be on his marry way.

Shuu: "Mmm? What's this?" Shuu will have to go through almost 100 notifications before coming across your tag. If he's bored, he'll check it out. If not, you're not receiving even so much as a like until a few months go by.

Reiji: "What the hell?" Now, Reiji rarely gets on, unlike Shuu does, but he still checks his notifications every time. He'll see your tag, click it, see what it is, and then comment saying "Never tag me again or you'll regret it."

Laito: "Ohh~, I have a tag." Laito will seem curious, and see why you tagged him. He'll like the tag, and comment "How cute of you to tag me."

Suburu: "A tag?" For Suburu tags are rare. So, when he sees one, he'll click them. He hates tags, but you will tag back if you tag him. But, beware! Tag him too much, and he'll spam you.

Published: 6/1/17


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