When They Like You

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Ayato: He would be very flirty with you. For example; complimenting you or trying to make a move.

Kanato: He will actually be rather obsessive and shy. He'll be a bit flirty.

Shuu: He'll hide his feelings, but every once in awhile, he'll show them a bit by giving little hints and signs.

Laito: He's not afraid to show that he likes you. He'll carelessly admit, and shamelessly flirt.

Suburu: He'll nervously try flirting with you, but will fail. Yet, his attempts will be quite adorable.

Reiji: Reiji will not give any hints whatsoever to liking you, but will admit it. He might make a move, but you'll never be able to tell that he likes you.


Ayato: "Hey, pancake~." Ayato greeted. He slithered his arm around your waist, and leaned in closer to you. "You look cute today." He whispered.

Kanato: "Oh, hi Y/N." Said Kanato. He then noticed your hair was styled different. "I love your new look." He complimented, clutching a piece of your hair in his hand.

Shuu: "Hello, Y/N." You suddenly heard someone speak. You turned around and saw Shuu. "H-Hello." He smiled a small smile. "You look beautiful today." He said.

Laito: "I like you, Y/N~," Said Laito. He gently pulled you closer. "You're so cute." He said, as he noticed your small red rose blush.

Suburu: "O-Oh---Hi, Y/N." Suburu blurted out. "You look...n-nice today, you know." He smiled nervously. You smiled back at his cuteness. "Thank you."

Reiji: "Hello, Y/N." Reiji suddenly greeted. "H-Hi." You replied. Reiji suddenly pinned you to the wall, straight faced. "You're cute." He said flatly.

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Created: 9/24/17
Published: 9/26/17

Words: 280 + A/N = 313


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