When It's Your Birthday | + Mukami Brothers

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Ayato: Ayato will honestly forget, but someone in the family will remind him. Ayato will get you a gift last minute, or pull something like "A kiss is your gift".

Kanato: Kanato will remember, and get you a present. Like, a teddy bear to match Teddy.

Laito: Laito will give you a necklace and will say that he's your present for your birthday. He'll make sure that the necklace is something special and unique.

Shuu: Shuu will pretend he doesn't remember or care, but will be secretly planning a birthday party for you. 

Reiji: Reiji will be buying something for your birthday. He'll ponder on what to buy, before settling on a new dress. 

Subaru: Subaru will go all out. He'll make sure this is your best birthday. Subaru will throw a birthday party and will kiss you as a gift.

Ruki: Ruki will remember, but won't know what to get you. Finally, he settles on a kiss.

Kou: Kou will bring you roses that he bought, and give you a kiss for your birthday.

Yuma: Yuma will give you strawberries and one beautiful blue rose for your birthday gifts. 

Azusa: Azusa will get you a teddy bear, and will give you a kiss for your birthday.


Ayato: Ayato walked a bit fast down the hall in a small panic. Sabaru had just told him it was pancakes birthday today, and he didn't get her anything. He slowed down, and thought. Finally, he decided what to give her.  Ayato went to her room and knocked. She answered, and he put his plan into action. "Happy birthday, pancake." Ayato said, leaned down and kissed her. 

Kanato: Kanato came over to you, as you were on the couch reading. "Happy birthday," Kanato said to you. He held up a teddy bear. "Here's your gift!" He exclaimed, and gave the bear to you. "It's to match Teddy."

Laito: "Bitch-chan~." Laito greeted you. He pulls out a necklace. "Happy birthday. I got this for you." It was a heart shaped necklace with your initials. Laito puts the necklace on you and says. "You have another present," He smirks. "Me."

Shuu: "Shuu, it's my birthday today." You said to him. "Did you know that?" He just looked at you, and turned his music up. You huffed, and walked away. Later, Shuu came and found you. "Follow me." He said. You do, and he leads you to the garden. Everyone in the family is there. You smile, and turn to Shuu. "So, you didn't forget?." You asked. Shuu shook his head.

Reiji: Reiji knocked on your bedroom door. You responded with a 'Come in!'. Reiji entered your room, as you put down the book you had been reading. "What?" You asked. Reiji responded. "Happy birthday." And then made a hand motion to follow him. You followed him to his room. "Here," He said, and motioned for you to look inside. You opened the door, and found a beautiful blue dress. You gave your thanks to Reiji. 

Subaru: "Y/N!" Sabaru called. He ran to you. "Happy birthday! Come here, I have something to show you." He grabbed your hand, and pulled you along with him. Eventually, you two ended up outside in the garden. There, was a birthday party everyone had set up for you. Sabaru smiled at you, and kissed you. 

Ruki: "Hey," Ruki greeted you. "Happy birthday, here's your present." Ruki bent down and gave you a short kiss. He pulled back, and smiled at you. "Thanks.." You said, and smiled back, as a bright blush began to show up on your cheeks.

Kou: "Oh, masochistic kitten~!" Kou barged in your room, and greeted. He sat right next to you on your bed, roses in hand. "Happy birthday!" He smiled. "These are for you." Kou gave you the flowers. "And, here's your other present." He quickly gave you a kiss on the lips. You smiled, and said thanks.

Yuma: Yuma knocked on your door. "Come in!" You said. He opened the door. "Hey," He greeted. "Happy birthday." Yuma looked down at everything in his hands. He walked over to you. "These are for you." He stated, giving you a bowl full of freshly picked strawberries, and a beautiful blue rose. You smiled at him, taking your gifts. "Thank you."

Azusa: Azusa entered your room without knocking. "Hello, Y/N." He greeted. In his hands were a cute little teddy bear. "I got you this for your birthday." Azusa stated, handing you the teddy bear. "Oh, and this too." He gently pecked you on the lips.

There you go, I've added the Mukami brothers. Thank one of my readers for that. They're the one I dedicated this too. Vote if you enjoyed.

Words: 761 + A/N = 797

Date Created & Published: 7/3/17

~Lena <3

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