1. my family

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"no beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart."


"Cynthia!" I called running down the corridors searching frantically.

"Cynthia! I need you now!"

"I'm hear! I'm hear!" Called a raspy voice equally out of breath.

"Yes your highness?" The 25 year old sarcastically bowed and I rolled my eyes.

Cynthia is the castle cheif keeper and the only person I can talk to, like a sister figure when all my elder siblings are 'busy' training and protecting the castle.

"Did you see Zeda?" I asked remembering why I was in such a hurry.

"No, your supposed to know where she is Tara! Don't tell me you had a fight again. What did you do this time?" Cynthia scolded for me to scowl.

"I din't do anything! She went all ballistic for no reason and got upset and just flew away!" I said exasperated.

"Both of you are such kids, I'm still waiting for the day when you grow up." She tsked.

"Hey!" I protested and at the same time we hear wind gush by outside the castle and Zeda grunts showing her presence and making it clear that she heard what Cynthia said causing her to laugh.

"We are seventeen! We are no more kids!" I yelled to which Zeda made an approving sound from outside and Cynth rolled her eyes yet again.

We went running to the castle window to see Zeda looking at it already waiting for me to show up. As soon as she caught my eye, she turns her head away and pouts.

Still mad I see.

Obviously! She yells in my mind making me wince.

This is one thing about the Keileth residents, dragons can communicate only with their riders and the rest of the dragons.

"What did you do?" Cynth asked.

"Nothing." I replied shrugging nonchalantly, but I knew she looked through my facade. I was glad she dint push it.

"Okay Cynth, see you later. Got a big baby to please." I rolled my eyes making her laugh and zeda grunted yet again.

I strode down the stairs nodding my head at a few people, smiling curtly, trying my best to hide the foul mood I am in. Our kingdom is like this old one with new rules. My oldest brother Aiden rules it along with a counsil and to say that we are all proud of him , is an understatement.

Striding down the halls, I came across the counsil room guarded by two guards who bowed to which I smiled politely. Before I strode past it, they bowed another time making me frown but before I could question, I heard a voice making me smile.

"What is my princess doing here?" Aiden asked smiling at me.

"Oh nothing brother, you know, the usual. Getting into useless banter with Zeda. I am going to apologize now,again" I said rolling my eyes and hugging him.

"Hey Thea." I greeted his beautiful wife beside and hugged her next. She kissed my forehead smiling.

"What happened now?" She asked teasing me ruffling my hair.

"The usual." I replied cheekily and she chuckled at my antics.

"Okay, see you at dinner princess." Aid nodded and went ahead into the room along with Thea.

I signed and resumed my journey to my beloved dragon. Having five older siblings is not easy. And especially when all of them have special powers and are similar in a way or two, whereas me being ordinary and totally different am always left out. Either intentionally or not.

Aiden is the oldest of us all. He is 32 years old and married to Thea, his beloved and has a three year old son Jonah. Though he is my brother, he always played the role of father in my life. Nicholas, the second oldest, is 28 and is engaged to Amelia, his training school sweetheart, princess of Dephandia. He is soon to be the ruler of it after marrying Amelia.

I rarely see Nick, even when we meet, we have nothing much to talk about. All he talks about is kingdoms and the stuff I am not into. We don't really get along well, since he clearly thinks I am a disgrace to this family. Whatever. Moving on, next comes Avanthra, 24 years old and single if you are wondering. My oldest sister and a very determined, stern one. She is hell focused and is in-charge of the defence of this kingdom. She trains all the time and recruits soldiers.

Even though we live under the same roof, I barely see her. It is at nights during dinner that she finally shows up and talks to us. She has always been my role model. We don't talk much, because she thinks I am too small to understand anything or something like that.

Next comes Gwendolyn, my 22 year old darling sister, my partner in crime and my favourite sibling(okay, it's a tie between Aid and Gwen). She is currently dating Jasper, her training school sweetheart heart yet again and helps Avanthra with the defence. Unlike my other siblings, Gwen doesn't find me useless and always called me the smartest one in the family. She is unfazed by my lack of power and loves me like how a sister should. Even though she is always busy with Ava in the Warfield, she makes special time just for me and I really love it.

Next is Derek, my 18 year old sibling, who thinks I am nothing but trash. He thinks I am the reason for our mom's death and that's why I am punished with no powers. He also thinks I am disgrace to this family and maybe that is why he goes well with Nick.

Gwen and Ava just say that he is angry at me because he dint get to go to a training school. After mom's death, Aiden dint let us go out. Sadly, mom's death being immediately after I was born, it meant that Derek and I dint get to go to the training school. Aiden provided perfect homeschooling and I am happy this way. Derek being almost my age, one must think we understand each other perfectly and get along well, but boy everyone is wrong.

All my thoughts vanish after coming to the open grounds around castle seeing Zeda sprawled on the ground catching flies and moving her tail happily making me chuckle at her antics.

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