6.nights and days

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"doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."


I got a cut on my arm, now don't ask me how. It's just practise. And it was bleeding bad. I managed to make Zed heal me before Ava woke up.

She couldn't heal me completely because Ava woke up and would question, so I asked her to stop, but it was better. I covered my arm by stretching my shirt down, even though it was warm again.

Ava gave me a questioning look but shrugged it off due to my indifference. We started travelling again, Zed could now fly, but we decided to go by foot, just so that she can heal completely.

Hours after travelling, we heard the same weird grunt again.

"Follow the sound! That must be his dragon." Ava yelled making my eyes go wide.

King Arthur's dragon?!

We hurried and for miles followed the sound, but it suddenly stopped. We could see a tail moving and we followed it. The tail moved so swiftly and it was pretty confusing. It was to the right once and the other moment to the left.

I think I saw something like a head and before I could turn to its direction, the head would appear somewhere else.

Is that a dragon head?

Not sure. It can be any beast.

The tail dissappear mysteriously just the way it appeared and we were left motionless yet again in the dark silent creepy forest. It's extreme temperatures are very troublesome. The temperature is way too high in the mornings and it drops to below zero at nights.

We lost the track of time ,travelling. We would fly for sometime and then walk some other time. It's been 3 days and we didn't find the kingdom. Ava says it is nearby and we just need to look for his dragon.

And I still think this is just a myth and we are wasting our time. Ava started trusting me enough to let me guard us at nights. We would take turns to rest and ate fruits from the forest. I never knew the forest would be so wide and deep that we could get lost.

We lost our way and were wandering aimlessly. I lost hope and really was planning to fly back but Ava was very determined on getting help. That was our only chance and I can't blame her for being so persistent.

This must be the fourth night, I don't know. I was so tired to keep the track of time. We found many rivers or atleast small water bodies and patches in forest without dense trees to stay every night. I was grateful the forest was providing us so much.

These two days, we were lost so many times in the forest that I could almost memorise all the routes we made. Ava is sleeping right now and I sat by the fire reading the map.

There is nothing in this map. It just looks like a piece of parchment. Ava says , only a person who believes can see it, and so, she is able to read the map. I really don't understand her sometimes. It's hard to believe the myth. I tried. Maybe I dint trust it enough.

I tried focusing if at all I could get something out of this weird piece of empty parchment but gave up when hours of watching it did not good. I rolled it back into the case and carefully put it in Ava's bag.

I removed my sword and started practising my moves, swishing the air around. I was imagining enemies and cutting thin air with my sword. The cut in my arm, three days ago was now just a light bruise and I'm glad Ava dint notice it.

If she did, she dint mention it. I learnt more about Ava these few days. She is way more determined than I thought she is. She never gives up. She is extremely brave. And mostly, I learnt that she cares. She has very weird way of showing her love.

Zeda's wing was now almost recovered. We did not find any water body to stay by the night but had enough water to suffice for a few more hours.

I made a target on one of the trees around and started practising archery. Having no power and being treated as the inferior person since forever, gave this urge to prove myself to my siblings ever since.

That urge forced me to master the things I could do. Like archery and dueling. Gwen taught me dueling. She is extremely good with swords.

I am homeschooled, and none of my siblings really know how much I know about defence and war. They either have no time or they don't care. Gwen knows that I am good at dueling, and I think Ava also does.

But my archery has always been a little secret. I don't want to show them. I don't want to get criticized. One must think I should have got used to Derek critisicing me all the time and that I should have learnt to ignore him. But no. Every word he says matters. Every comment he makes is carved in my heart painfully. I don't want to show something I really think I can do, and then get criticized and stop doing it.

So I naturally dint show them. Zed and I would practise it in the forest around the castle. Or sometimes in my room. The first time I hit my target, I wanted to run to Gwen and show her. I wanted to show everyone so that they will know I am not really useless. But I dint.

On the way to Gwen, I came across Derek that day. And he casually said that whatever I do, I will always be a useless piece of shit. That is when I decided against it. That is when I decided to conceal my likes.

The only thing I love, and I am good at, is archery. I don't want to loose it too. I never had a problem in hiding my bow and arrow.

Dad left it for me, the magical set. It would shrink in my pocket when I don't need it. So it was easy to carry along. I kept shooting at the target and suddenly heard a sound making me stiff.

I slowly galnced around to find nothing. I was still cautious and went back to practising. And then, the bushes started parting in front of me making me take a fight position.

Something pounced in front of me making me gasp and Ava and the dragons woke up alarmed.

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