9.the magical realm

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Magic is within.


I could see a huge dragon head and my eyes widened in terror. There sat someone with an aura of authority automatically intimidating me.

My hands were still on my mouth due to awe and terror at once. I snapped back to my senses and did the only thing that came in mind. I took a defensive stance with my sword in hand ready to defend Zed and me.

"Calm down Tara. Put the weapons down." Ava whispered staring with awe at the creature, more like the person riding it.

Two more heads came out of the trees behind and Zed instinctively took a step back and so did Celeste. Before I assume there were two more different dragons, similar kind of five more head popped out making my heart race in fear.

I followed the trail of their necks only for my eyes to pop out even more. They were all connected. All the eight heads belonged to the same dragon.

An eight headed dragon!

Zed was silent, all I can say was she is equally intimidated by the majestic creature. It's skin was orange with a tinge of gold. It shined under the rays of sun in the otherwise dark forest.

It's nostrils smoked and it was breathing heavily as if ready to attack us any moment. But was held out by none other than the man on it. It's not easy to control such a huge dangerous creature.

I had no idea how long or how large it was, my vision being blocked my it's eight gigantic heads.

Ava bowed to him while I stayed put.

Am I supposed to bow?


Wow. I'm sorry. Was caught up. It's up to you. Though this man seems like he deserves respect.

I bowed slightly anyway since I am well taught about manners and was naturally intimidated by his presence.

He bowed back and that is when he earned my respect truthfully and I don't hesitate on bowing completely. This seemed to spark something in him and he smiled at us.

"Princesses of keileth, daughter of sir Richard and Agnes. " He acknowledged.

"Yes king Arthur." Ava said making my eyes wide yet again.

I should have known.

"What do I owe for this pleasure?" He asked eyes focused on Ava.

She opened her mouth to answer, but before that he said.

"Oh, where are my manners. Let's talk in the castle shall we?" He said smiling with a glint and lead the way. He swished his hand in air and suddenly a portal opened surprising me.

The huge dragon was turned around and that is when I actually could see it's body. It's body was long enough to cover the whole trail of path we travelled from the last stop, that is, easily a few miles. My eyes widened even more when while moving, all the eight heads looked like one at a point and then they zig zaged covering the entire horizon after crossing the portal.

It took me a while to come out of my shocked state and follow Ava. We were lead into another forest , but with different trees behind the portal. It was beautiful but strange. It was like something I've never seen before.

The animals were different. Everything was huge. I suddenly felt tiny. Very tiny.

"Welcome to the kingdom of Fonav." He said while the forest ended and in came the view of a breathtakingly beautiful castle right in between the civilisation.

My face was awestruck and all I could do was look at the place in utter disbelief. It all seemed so magical.

It was too good to be true. Everything is so surreal. It's like we are in someone's dream. A vivid cloud of imagination.

You might want to close your mouth.


My senses were not coherent and I only wish the king doesn't find my lack of verbal responses offensive since it is really hard to talk with no voice.

It looked like a town, only that it is never ending. It stretched to as far as my eyes could see.

How big is this kingdom?

You never know. You don't call this the realm of magic just like that.


The eight headed huge dragon suddenly flew making me duck my head while the king said "follow".

Ava and Celeste flew with him while I was still absorbing my surroundings.

Should I follow or what? Zed snapped to which I could only nod. She rolled her eyes at my and flew.

I slept on her and took in the view of the beautiful kingdom below till she came to a stop on the castle's highest block. It seems like early in the morning and the weather is so pleasant. The sun was just rising and the air was covered in mist.

Cold dew drops were shinning on fresh grass around the castle and it smelled amazing. Zed also seemed to have liked this place.

Can we stay here? Forever?

I wish. I answered in daze.

It's going to take a while to get out of this daze. I think I will never get used to the beauty of this kingdom.


Clearing of throat brought both of us back to our senses and we looked around to find Ava standing there almost ready to scold me while the king was just amused.

I smiled sheepishly at her before straightening and went back to my warrior mode. I put on the serious face I am forced to put while I'm in the training room and my body stiffened and ready to attack mode.

Ava seemed quite content with my change of posture while the king looked even more amused.

He started walking wordlessly and we followed him.

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