3.under attack

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"I was born to be real, not perfect"


I was now in my room and Zed was in her territory of the grounds, which I could see from my window. She just had to fly till my huge open balcony to meet me.

The dinner is in an hour and Aid is still in the conference room. We have a visitor and I predict it's gonna take long this time, for Aid to join the dinner. I don't know what was happening but all my brothers and sisters were in the conference room along with Aid. Well, except Derek and me, being considered juviniles in training.

Someone knocked on my door harshly making me perk up and Zed to fly to my balcony so that she is closer to me.

Who do you think it is

I don't know, who would it be? Definitely Derek. No one else is so harsh with you.


I won't hold back this time if he troubles you Tara, I am being serious.

He has a dragon too you know? It'll just lead to a big fight between you and Velmor yet again.

I can easily take him.

I scoff at her cocky tone and slowly get up to open the door. I cautiously open only to find the pathway empty.

But before I close the door, a small piece of parchment drops by my foot making me suspicious. I carefully take the fragile piece into my hand and spread it out so that I can read it.

Whatever happens, stay close to Zeda.

Love, Gwen.

I frown at the message and show it to Zed. Not knowing what it means, I stay close to Zed and sit down on the bench beside.

A few minutes later, there is an explosion nearby, alerting me and Zed instantly takes a protective stance in front of me while I place my hand on her leg.

Sapphire, Gwen's dragon comes flying and grunts standing in front of Zeda. They have a small conversation and sapphire flew away.

Hop on. Zed orders and I do without questioning. She flew us down the castle to the open grounds making me frown.

"What's going on Zed?"

She doesn't reply but gestures me to get down and I do. I soon find myself surrounded by Ava, Derek,and Nick.

Ava and Nick seemed deep in conversation while Derek stood there with his usual bored face which immediately turned into a glare when he looked at me.

"Why are you here?" He hissed making me frown.

"I don't know Derek." I answered him ignoring the pang yet again.

"I called her down." Ava answers him, now turning to us and gestures me to come closer.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

She doesn't answer me instead turns towards Nick and asks with a scowl.

"You know she's still a kid right? How did Aiden think she could help?"

"She is seventeen Ava , and you helped us win the battle with kasch at that age." He said in a bored tone.

"But you know this is different Nicholas!" She shrieked now close to glaring him.

"Oh how? Let me fill in, you are a great warrior with healing power that makes your dragon strong? And whereas she is a cursed witch with no healing, making her dragon the weakest?" Derek asked with a scowl making Ava glare and Nick smirk.

Ava ignored him and raised her brow at Nick making him sign.

"Look, Ava, I don't trust her either. But we have no choice. Gwendolyn is needed with defence when you are gone, Aiden and I are stuck with the dragons and Derek needs to lead the knights. We can't have her here, it's dangerous, she could die. She is safer with you." He said looking at me with distaste.

Ava signs before putting her arm around me. Derek leaves after looking at me one last time with all the hatred he could muster and Nick nods at Ava without acknowledging me and leaves. I start blinking back the tears threatening to fall.

Don't listen to them Tara. You are special, they don't really hate you.

I ignore Zeda's optimism and look at my feet trying to hide my face. Ava turns me to face her.

"Tara, don't listen to them. You are capable of doing wonders honey." She said hugging but I could just meekly nod.

"Okay now hop on your dragon. We need to go." She says getting on Celeste(her dragon).

"What's happening?"

"Just follow me. No more questions." She ordered to which I nodded yet again climbing on top of Zed.

You okay?

I think so.

We fly over the castle and my mouth falls open at the scene before me. There is a huge dragon, I've never seen or heard of before destroying the village causing explosions and flooding it with water.

A whole army is marching towards our kingdom armed and seemed ready to kill. But that is not what caught my eye, it was the dragon.

It was strangely large. Almost five to six times the dimensions of a normal dragon that made it look so dangerous. All the arrows and defence instruments seemed of no use in front of it. It was so majestic that it scared me about the fate of our kingdom.

Soldiers were ready to attack and the people were running around. The explosions destroyed a few areas and it was all over a havoc.

The dragons were being brought to the Warfield and that is when it clicked me.

We are under attack, and we are not exactly winning the war like we always do.

I just hope Aiden knows how to handle this.

Me too.

And then we follow Ava wordlessly except for the occasional hisses of Zed due to aching wing.




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