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Second story!! :D

Hope you like it! Read! Enjoy! Thank you so much!



Have you ever felt like you didn't belong?

Wherever you went you don't quite "fit in"

People stare at you with a confused look on their faces.


Was it because the way I dressed? The way I talked? My personality? My hair?

When I tried to start a conversation with somebody, they would look at me with fear and run away. I wasn't trying to hurt them. I was just being friendly.

But anybody I got close to would just ignore me as if I didn't exist.

I was always lonely. I gave up trying to make friends. Who needs them any way. All they do is use you, hurt you, betray you, lie to you and leave you in the end. Or so, that's what I heard.

My heart turned cold. I hated everyone of them. Those who laughed and those who didn't step up for me when I was bullied. I wanted each and every one of them to burn to bits in a torturous death. Their skin ripping off from their bodies and soon start decaying and falling off. Oh what a glorious sight in my mind. Their deafening screams, music to my ears.

My lips formed a devilish curve and an evil laugh crept up out of my mouth. My eyes filled with such hate.

I felt the dirty human's hand touch my shoulder. I quickly turned to face the ugly human boy. He was laughing maniacally. I didn't understand what he was laughing at.

Suddenly I saw a bunch of laughing children all around me. Pointing at me.

Then I felt it. His hand found my fuzzy long burgundy tail. He tugged at it.

Is this why I can't belong?

Because of my differences of every human around me?

I looked exactly like each and every one of them. But the only difference was my ears and my tail.

The human boy then shouted at the top of his lungs the one word I despised in the whole world. The one word that every time I heard it, I felt anger boiling in my blood. The word that caused me to turn into a blood thirsty beast. It made me want to kill.



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I hoped you liked the prolouge!

I will update the first chapter as soon as I can! :)

Love you all who is reading!

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