Ch. 5 - Humanimals...Is this the End?

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*Humanimals: a new term I made up. It means a half human and half animal in general or if it is unidentified. For example, Edrick is a neko because he  specifically identified as a half cat and half human. But when it is unidentified and unspecific, it is described as a humanimal.

Chapter 5 - Humanimals...Is this the end?


Running...quickly...and never stopping. Feeling the leaves of the forest trees slap against my face and the cold air whipping against me. Dodging the branches of the trees and jumping over any stones or holes. The tears from my eyes, never drying up because new ones kept replacing the old ones.

It's not fair!...why me!? These furious thoughts running through my young little mind. I was only 10 years old for crying out loud! A normal ten year old should be enjoying childhood before he gets too old to enjoy it. But I wasn't one of the lucky ones who got that opportunity. Instead, I'm a half human half cat freak who is running away from the FBI...and leaving my poor father Stein alone with them...

What is going to happen with him? Are they going to arrest him? or worse...kill him?

I can't run away my whole life...I thought.

I will go back and rescue my dad...just not right now, it's not safe. Because if they catch me now, they might punish him harsher.

I saw a little cave behind a little waterfall. This could be my little hideout for now.

I was about to dive into the water when suddenly my cat instincts were doing everything in their will to stop me from having any contact with water. But it was already too late. I yelped and fell into the water, making a loud splash.

I writhed in the water like a fish without water. Ironic. I swam quickly out of the water and gasped for air. I didn't know how to swim so I was very terrified. I moved my arms wildly and tried swimming towards the cave, but the waterfall was so big and strong that it was pushing the water outwards. If I swim under the waterfall I was going to drown. So...I am going to have to go to land and find away around it, I thought.

I leaped out of the water and landed on the dirt. I layed on the ground and tried to catch my breath.. My heart was beating rapidly and my breathing was uncontrolled, choking out the water that entered my lungs. I stood up and shook the water off of me, I was still wet but it helped me feel a little dry.

I was about to start weeping, the flashbacks were torturous, but I stopped myself and started walking around the big pond to find a way inside the cave. I finally found a little gap between the waterfall and cave. I quickly leaped with excitement and rolled inside the dark and cold cave, not knowing there might be someone else in here.

I quietly and cautiously walked into the cave. I didn't want to go in too deep because it was too dark and spooky. The only light was from the bright full moon shooting its light through the waterfall and into the cave. I sighed and plopped down on the hard cold floor.

This was going to be one cold and uncomfortable night. So instead of whining about it, I rested my head on the ground and curled up in a ball.

Drifting into one deep sleep, having flashbacks of the FBI surrounding me and Dr. Stein...the windows shattering...and the Dr.'s last words echoed in my mind..."Run."


The sun's bright rays, shooting right at my face woke me up. I groggily got up and started walking towards the waterfall. I reached out and got a handful of water. I immediately splashed the water to my face, waking my inner cat inside. I jumped back and hissed at the waterfall.

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