Ch.2 - I am the Experiment

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For those who don't know...

Neko: Half cat, half human

Okay, enjoy reading! :)

Oh! And the picture on the side is how Alice looks like.


Chapter 2 - I am the Experiment

"Dr. Stein! Dr.! Dr.!" I yelled out excitedly.

"What? What is it Edrick?" the Dr. said through laughs.

"Come! Look!" I was standing on the highest branch of the tree outside the backyard of Dr. Stein's home.

The Dr. walked out to the backyard. He looked in every direction with a confused expression on his face. I couldn't hold in the laughter that was tickling my insides. I burst out laughing making my stomach cringe. My eyes even started getting teary for laughing too hard. The Dr. looked up and laughed.

"Get down from there Edrick, you might hurt yourself," he said with a smile on his face.

As soon I was about to stop laughing and get down from the tree, my foot stepped on some very sticky gooey looking sap. I tried getting my shoe off of the sap but instead my shoe decided to stay stuck onto it. I took a mistep and lost my balance. I had stopped laughing and I was now yelling.

"Oh no! Here let me catch you Edrick!" the Dr. ran towards the tree.

As I was about to hit the ground I felt my body twisting and turning in the air. I felt light and loose. I closed my eyes and calmly took a deep breath. When I finally exhaled, I swiftly put my right foot first on the ground then my left. When I landed on my two feet all you were able to hear was a faint, Thump.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw the Dr. standing right in front of me. His eyes were shining through his glasses and his smile was luminous.

"Edrick! You did it!" he clapped excitedly.

I was filled with glee. I jumped up and gave him a big hug.

Ever since the day after I was inserted with animal DNA into my body, the Dr. explained everything to me. I also was able to regain my memories of how I got to the Dr.'s place. He says that he found me stranded in the streets. I was only about four years old. He says when he saw me that day, his heart was torn. Without saying a word, he handed me his lunch. He didn't want to leave me on the streets all alone so he had decided to take me in as his own son.

I was always quiet, until after a few years I finally began talking. I wasn't the shy kind, but I was terrified. The only memories I couldn't regain was if I ever had parents.

I grew very attached to the Dr., he was like a fatherly figure to me. He always took care of me and made me feel loved. I was now ten years old, which makes seven years ever since I've lived with the Dr.

I only sometimes wish I knew my real parents. I didn't hate them for leaving me stranded and alone. I don't really like holding onto grudges. I was kindhearted and forgiving. I don't really know what happened to them, but I really hope to God that they are still alive.

Besides that, I wouldn't change my life for anything in the world. I had everything I've ever wanted. Someone to care for me and be there for me, the Dr. and the house maid. The maid is such a nice lady. She is more like a grandmother to me. When the Dr. is out or is working very hard in his lab, the maid is the one who takes care of me and the house.

I love it when the three of us eat dinner together and do some fun activities like play board games and watch movies. We don't do it everyday because the Dr. is almost always busy, especially ever since he started working on his new experiment.

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