With great power......

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This is my first Ninjago fanfiction. I have SO many ideas but so little time.😅 So here's the first chapter.
Ninjago City. In a word, sturdy. For now anyway. An unknown enemy has come across us the other day and not even Lloyd can stand a chance. But what really bothers me the most is that it's a girl! She had long brown hair in a French braid. A metal headband and shoulder pads with spikes surrounded her. She carried a satchel with arrows in the back. Her shirt was blue and black leggings with a red skirt. Her tall furry brown boots came up to knees. Nobody ever saw her face because she always wore a mask. Lloyd was fighting her and the rest of us where fighting her armada. She was firing arrows at Lloyd trying to hit him but he kept dodging them. It didn't look like he could keep it up for much longer.
This is tiring. It feels like I'v been doing this for hours! Even though I couldn't see her face, I could tell she had a smirk on it. "I see your getting tired green ninja," she said. She stopped for a second to fight with her own two hands. I looked back to see Kai giving me a concerned look. I turned back to the girl and before I could do anything she blasted me back with her powers. "Your no match for me green ninja!" She said. And with that she took out one of her arrows. It was different from all the others. It was all black with a red/orange strip around the top. Some others arrows were like that to. The colors of the rainbow. She placed it on her bow and readied fire.
I looked at Lloyd. He was about to get shot with an arrow. The thought of Lloyd dying. I didn't want to think about it. No one did. So I stopped my fighting her armada and ran over to Lloyd. "LLOYD!!!" I yelled.
"LLOYD!!!" is what I heard Kai say from behind me. I stuck my arm out for him not come but it was too late. She fired. Kai got hit. I could only stare. Kai was a few inches away from me with a arrow in his arm. I had no concern for the girl. Just for Kai. I tried to shake him awake but it wouldn't work. "KAI!!! KAI WAKE UP!!" Nothing was working everyone came running over after they finished off their part of the armada. It wasn't long before they got right back up. "They are no use to me right now. Armada, let's get out of here." And with that she left. "Come on Kai hang in there." Jay said. I turned my head and looked at Zane to see he had a hard look on his face. "What's on your mind Zane?" I asked. "My calculations indicate that Kai is still conscious." We all looked at Kai who was breathing heavily. "This all my fault. I shouldn't have let him jump front of me. If I moved out of the way none of this would of happened." I said sadly. Cole walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault Lloyd. You didn't know he would jump in the way." He sad calmly. A few seconds later Nya called Jay on his communicator. "Where are you guys?Is everything alright?!" She yelled so EVERYONE could hear her. "Everything's fine Nya and we could use a pick-up. We're at Central Park." Jay said. "I know that tone and that's means something happened to you!" She said worried. "Not me. Someone else. Just please hurry up and get here." Jay said. "Well it's a good thing I'm one step ahead of you." She said and we all looked up. She lowered the anchor so we could all get on. I picked up Kai and carried him to the anchor. After I sat down with Kai, Cole, Jay and Zane got on too. "All set?" Nya said to Jay over the communicator. "Yeah. Bring us up." Not a moment to soon the anchor started moving and we were on our way to the top. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Kai. I kept looking down at him every few seconds to see if he was breathing. When we finally got to the top, Nya came over us and looked at Kai. "What happened?" She said with anger, sadness and worry. "He was shot with an arrow, to protect me." I said looking down the whole time. "Well, let's get him to your room and see what we can do to help him." Nya said with a calm voice. I knew Nya could not be this calm if someone walked up to her with her brother in their arms and an arrow in his. I knew she was trying to hide her true emotions. But that didn't bother me the most right now. We took Kai to our room and set him down on his bunk. I placed one hand on his wrist and another on the arrow. "Hold him down. The less he moves the easier it will be to pull it out." I said stern. They all nodded their heads and held Kai down so he wouldn't move. "1.....2.....3!" I said and pulled out the arrow. He groaned loudly and started to stir. I started to wrap bandages around the wound to it wouldn't start to bleed. We were all worried about Kai but Nya was more worried than any of us. Everyone else left the room but me and Nya. I walked up behind her and put a hand and her shoulder. "I know you're worried about him. We all are. But the only that can heal him now, is time." I left after I said that and so did she. Before she closed the door she looked back at Kai and then left. When it night we all sat outside hoping Kai would wake up to come out and join us. He never did. None us spoke to each other but we were all thinking the same thing. One after one we all went inside to go to bed. Everyone else was asleep and I was still awake. There was only one thing on my mind.
It should have been me.
Every morning at 7:00 we always wake up to do training. Everyone except Kai. It just wasn't the same training without him. He may still be alive but that doesn't change anything.
When I opened my eyes I was in my room, a bright light shining down on me. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I had a strange feeling inside me that I was changing. I was on my hands and knees. I was changing. After that was done I fell to my side. When I groaned, a low growl came out. It didn't matter to me. I tried to stand on my feet but I fell down again. I looked down at my hands but they weren't there. Instead there was red paws with sharp claws. I looked back to the rest of me and I was red and orange like Flame, my elemental dragon. On my back I had wings and on the end I had a long tail! I couldn't control myself. On the wall next to our beds were boxes and I crashed into them making a loud sound. The boxes piled on top of me and it kind of hurt.
I heard a loud crashing sound come from our bedroom. I was sure I heard it because everyone was looking at each other. "What do you think that was? Do you think Kai is awake?" Nya said. "We're about to find out." I said stern. We all ran to our room and opened the door. We saw claw marks on the floor and burn marks. We turned to the beds, the poles also had claw marks and burn marks too. I turned my head to the fallen boxes next to ours beds. "Uh....guys" I said shocked. Then they turned their heads to the wall and the fallen boxes. They all gasped. "Is that Kai?!" Nya said in shock.

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