Comes great responsibility

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We all stared at the boxes. Laying underneath all of them was a red and orange dragon. It looked just like Flame. But I doubt that's Kai would just summon his dragon. First of all he's not on his bed. And second, there's no need for his dragon right now. No one would open their mouth to break the silence, so I did. "Kai?" I asked looking at the dragon. It didn't say anything, the only thing that came out was a low growl. It sounded like pain. But before I could go look Lloyd beat me to him. He started clearing boxes off him. After he did, Kai tried to get up but, fell right back down. Lloyd went over to Kai to look at his wound. He reached in to touch it but Kai picked up his head and sneared at him. "It's ok, it's ok. I'm just trying to help." Lloyd said. He reached out a hand but Kai growled louder at him this time. Instead, he turned his head and stuck out his arm to Kai. Kai looked at Lloyd's hand, sniffed it and moved his head to touch Lloyd's hand. Lloyd then picked up his head to look at Kai. "Do you trust me now?" He said calmly. No word needed to be said, Kai just nodded his head lightly. Lloyd bent over to look at his wound. He picked Kai's front paw to get a better look at. Kai whimpered as Lloyd picked up his paw. The rest of us flinched because we wanted to make sure he was ok. "Kai will he fine. But it doesn't looks like he's just injured in is arm. His wing looks hurt so bad that I don't think he can fly until it's healed." Lloyd said sadly. "Well," Zane started. "We should get him to the infirmary. Bandage him up." We all share a nod and went over to Kai. But I think I'm the only one that's notices  that Kai looked scared. We all have to carry him because of his size. So I grab his neck, Lloyd grabs his front left paw with the wound and under his arm, Jay grabs his right paw and under his arm, Zane grabs his back left paw and under his arm and Nya grabs his back right paw and under his arm. As we are carrying him to the infirmary, I whispered something into his ear. "Don't worry Kai. Everything will be ok." Hopefully. Because he is so big we have to put multiple beds together so his whole body can lay on it. We knew that if we all stayed in the infirmary, it would be harder for Zane to help Kai. We left.
I am so worried about Kai. I mean he turned into a dragon! Things don't happen like that everyday. We waited outside for Zane to tell us about Kai's injuries. About an hour he came out with the news. "Well," he started. "Kai should be out for a couple of days. The cut on his legs isn't bad enough for him not to walk on, but he should take it easy. But his wing, he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He needs to layoff of it for a few days or at least a week." After he finished talking he opened the door to the infirmary so we could all go see him. I was last to go in but Zane stoped me to talk. "I didn't want to say this in front of the other guys but, Kai's condition, may be critical if not treated with proper care." That was the last thing I wanted to hear about Kai. The thought of Kai dying. Is not something I wanted to think about. About our little chit chat, I walked in the room to see the other guys look up at me. "What did Zane say?" Jay asked with a worried looked on his face. "Nothing important." I said. I didn't want to tell the others about what Kai's condition could be. We looked at Kai for a little bit and then left him to rest. I didn't want to leave his side because I was scared. Scared that he wouldn't wake up and I want to be there for him. I was feeling tired for what went on today. So I laid my head down on the side of the bed and went to sleep.
(Still Nya)
After Zane finished with Kai, he went to make dinner. I think I speak for everyone when I say we are happy Cole didn't do it. "Mnmmmm, Zane this is delicious!" Cole says enthusiastically. How can you people be eating at a time like this. But Zane had other thoughts. "Why not eating?" Zane said sadly as if I didn't like the food. "No Zane, the food is great," I started. "It's just I'm really worried about Kai." They all stop eating after I said that. " Nya," Lloyd started. "We're all worried about Kai, but that's nothing to worry about. He's tougher than whatever he's going though right now." How could he say that! Kai's a dragon because of him. Lloyd should be the one in the infirmary as a dragon, not Kai! I ball my hands in a fist and stand up. Everyone staring at me. Then I run out of the run. Lloyds the first one to speak when I leave. "Is it something I said?" He asked. No one responds. I run to the infirmary to see Kai. When I get there Kai's on all four legs looking strong and healthy. But with the look in his eyes it doesn't look like he knows me. Then he comes running at me. Full throttle. He tackles me hard on the ground. "Kai! It's me, Nya. Your sister." I said scared. He was breathing hard and his eyes were thin. After a few minutes he calmed down. His pupils grew big and he was super playful. The ninja all finished eating and came to the infirmary to see Kai on top of me. I turn my head to see the boys getting out their weapons to defend me. "NO! Guys don't hurt him. He's just protecting me from you!" I say. With shock on their faces, they put away their weapons and walk over to us.

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