Unlocking It

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WOW! Two chapters in one day. I feel like superman!🕺🤣 Well, enjoy the fourth chapter
Kai didn't need that much medical care, just rest. When we got back to the bounty, Zane took me and Kai to the infirmary. He gave me and Kai an oxygen mask for all the smoke we inhaled during the fire. Zane left after he did so and went to the others. Kai was still asleep when we got back and Nya stayed with him. I was sitting on one of the beds with an oxygen mask and looking at Kai. The machine beeped when I didn't need the mask anymore and I put it back of the hook. "Tell me," Nya said. I was confused. I didn't know what she wanted me to tell her. "Tell you what?" I asked. "How you feel about Kai," she said. "What are you-" I said but Nya cut me off. "I saw the way you looked at him after the fire. When you gave him that hug, I saw you kiss him. Do you like my brother or not?" she asked happily wanting me to answer. "Yes...no...maybe...I don't know." I said. "Yes you do," Nya said. She knew she was going to get an answer one way or another. "Ok I do like him but what's that matter," I said blushing. "It dose matter! You like my brother!" She said. Kai growled then groaned in his sleep which made us both laugh. "This is great Alexa. You don't know how happy he'll be!" Nya said putting her hands on my shoulders. I looked down with sadness on my face. Nya saw my face and was confused and asked: "Why are you sad?" I didn't want to tell her but I did anyway. "What if he doesn't feel the same way about me?" "Of course he will," she said. "You're a wonderful girl and perfect for my brother." "Thank you Nya," I said. She just nodded her head. I saw Kai moving and he was starting to get up. We went over to him and Nya took the oxygen mask off his face. "I'm going to get the others. Can you stay here with Kai?," she asked snickering. I nodded my head yes. She left and went to get the others. After a few minutes she came in with the others and they greeted Kai. He was already sitting up and he greeted hello to them. I think? They came over to pet Kai. They were just happy to have him alive and well. "Why don't we go out and celebrate Kai being okay!" Jay asked. We all thought it was a good idea so we went to Edge Diner to get pizza. When we got there we all tried to go in but the manager stopped. "Sorry kids. No dragons aloud," he said. "Sorry Kai. You'll just have to wait outside. We'll bring you something. Ok?," I told him. He nodded in response and he flew up to the roof the settled down for a nap. We went inside and requested a table for six and they showed us a table next to the window.  We ordered two large pepperoni pizzas for the six of us. "You know the bad thing about this is?," Jay asked. We all looked up at Jay. "What?," Cole asked. "That we went out for Kai and he can't even be here," he said with his face full of pizza. We all knew he was right. The bad thing about Kai being a dragon is that he can't do anything with us that he could do when he was a human. About a few hours of us sitting inside talking to each other and eating pizza, we heard car breaks screech and crashing. We looked out side to see four guys robbing a Pawn Shop across the street.
I was having a nice, peaceful nap on top of Edge Dinner soaking up he sun light when I heard car breaks screeching and crashing. I immediately look up to see four guys robbing a Pawn Shop. I didn't think, I flew out to try and stop those guys but they were already on the run. I flew faster to get ahead of the and jumped in front of them. People were hiding and taking pictures of me. My friends came out of the pizza place and Alexa was the first one out. The leader the gang saw her and took her hostage. He pointed his gun to her head. "Now dragon, stay right where you are and I won't shoot her," he said. All she could was scream. "KAI! HELP ME!," was all she could get out of her mouth. I roared in fear as if she was going to die. The other three guys came up behind he and tried to tie me down. I used my tail to knock them in the back of the head and make them unconscious. The guy holding Alexa loosened his grip just enough so she could get free. She came running over to me not aware that the guy was about to shoot her. He pulled the trigger and I leaped in front of her. I didn't want her to die. I had this feeling inside that I was invincible. My body started glowing in a different color and I was Titanium. After a split second the bullet hit me and I didn't even feel a thing. When the bullet fell off of me, I turned back into my normal self and ran to tackle the guy. I had the guy in between my claws and roared in his face. I let him up and gave him a face that said 'get out of here' and they all did that. Zane, Cole, Jay, Nya and Lloyd came over to me and Nya hugging me in a 'your okay' kind of way. But Zane was the most curious about what I did. "Kai!," he started. "You just turned Titanium!" Then they all looked at me. "I don't know how you did it but we should get you back to the bounty and see why," Zane said. But before we left, I grabbed the bags of goods and returned it to the Pawn Shop owner. "T-thank y-you," he said frightened. I went back to the gang. Everyone hopped on me and we left for the bounty.

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