Taming the Dragon

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Nya told us not to interfere. She said Kai was not attacking her. But to me it looked like he was. He tackled her and he had his mouth open to bite her when we walked in. But she said he wasn't. So we dropped our weapons and went over to them. But Kai thought otherwise. He must of thought we were going to hurt Nya and he got overprotective and tried to attack us. I think he was trying to protect Nya. "Kai, Kai." Lloyd said in concern. "Were just here to help you." I looked at Lloyd then back at Kai. He had his claws out and his teeth showing. "Kai there friends of mine," Nya said calmly. He looked back at her. I couldn't believe it! He sat down and was like a puppy. Big eyes and everything. He must be protective to a certain person when their being attack. We walked over to Kai and Nya. I was the first one to touch him. I scratched him underneath the chin and he must have liked it because he fell down with a smile on his face. Nya wants to reintroduce us to Kai to see if he could remember us. "Kai, this is Cole, Zane, Jay and Lloyd," she said. "I think he remembers us," I said. With his memory regained, he stated jumping around us like he wanted to play. But we couldn't bond with him for long because the alarm went off. We went to the bridge to see what the problem was. "Serpentine have been spotted in Ignacia." Nya said. But after she did Ignacia, she looked sad. So did Kai. "Why the long faces?" I asked. "Ignacia," she started. "Is our hometown." Nobody said anything after that. "Well what are we waiting for?!" She screamed. "Let's get going!" We all ran to our room to get our weapons. After we got weapons, we ran to the deck. "How are we suppose to get down there? We don't have our Golden Weapons." Cole asked. Nya looked at him with a 'really' face and pointed to Kai. We hopped on Kai and flew down to Ignacia. After we got there it was quiet. I didn't see an Serpentine and neither did anyone else. Nya walked up to someone's house to ask what was going on. "Nya we don't know these people. You can't just go up to someone's house." I said. But she had an answer for that. "Trust me. Kai and I know who she is," she said and Kai perked up and went with Nya. She knocked on the door and a girl with long brown hair like Kai's. She had on a grey long sleeve shirt with a rainbow one underneath. You could see the rainbow on both of her wrist and her neck. The purple leggings she wore had a ribbon piece connected to her black boot on her left leg. "Hey Nya! I haven't seen you in Ignacia in awhile. Where's Kai? And you know there's a red dragon behind. Right?" She asked. "Yes I know and....this is Kai." Nya said. Kai walked forward and nuzzled her. "Really!? This is Kai?" She asked. "Yah got turned into a dragon when we were in a battle," Nya said. Nya pointed behind her at us. "That's Cole, Zane, Jay and Lloyd." Nya said. "Boys," Nya started. "Meet Alexa." Then we walked forward to them and listened to their conversation. "Why are you here Nya?" She asked. Lloyd was the first one to start speaking. "The Serpentine was spotted here. Any chance you've seen them." He asked. "They came buy everyone's house and told us not to tell you this but....all of this is a trap," she said. After she said that the Serpentine showed up and surrounded us. Kai tried to fly up and attack from above but was shot down with a net. We went to cut him out, but the net was electricfied to any one the touched it. Then Zane saw the device that made the open an close. "Jay, you see that remote in Scales hand?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. "What about it?" I asked. "That remote controls the net that Kai's in. If I could get that remote, I could open the net," he said.
I overheard their plan and decided to take matters into my own hands. If the device really can open the net , it would take longer for them to do it. So I going to blast it. I got ready to fire a fireball. I knew I would only have one chance to hit it. I aimed for the remote, I kept reminding myself that I would only get one shot at this so I took my time. Then I fired. I hit it. I was free. I let out a battle cry and flew in the air. "Or that could work to," I overheard Zane say. I fired at the Serpentine from the air. Dodging the nets that are fired at me. While I was dodging the nets, I forgot about Alexa. The Serpentine must think she should be destroyed after she told us that this was all a trap. They had a catapult and loaded it with a big ball of hay, then it was set of fire. I had to save Alexa. After it hit her house, I flew into he house to save her. When I went in, luckily the fire just started and she was already downstairs. I ran over to her, dodging the ashes and fallen boards. I flew to her because I knew I would get to her faster. I picked her up with my claws gently so it wouldn't hurt her. Just before we got to the door, the house exploded. I lost her from my claws. But we were already outside. I saw her above me and flew as fast as I could to her and grabbed her with my arms and legs to protect her. Also wrapping my wings around her to, but I couldn't fly so we just fell.
I saw Kai grab Alexa from the sky and fall. I had to put out the fire so it would spread. I used my elemental powers to but put the fire. After the fire was out, I turned around and dust full the air. After it cleared, I saw the Serpentine were gone. I was now worried about Kai and Alexa. And everyone else was too. They ran over to them, just like me. We stood there wandering if they were alive. "Kai?" I said worried. No answer. He groaned and lifted his head. "Do you have Alexa?" I asked. He didn't nod his head yes or no, he open his wings to reveal Alexa. She got up and went to Nya and gave her a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok," said. Alexa went over to Kai and gave him a hug. "Thank you Kai. For everything." I think I'm the only one that saw this, when she was hugging him, she kissed him on the cheek. "We should head back to the bounty," Lloyd said. We all nodded our heads. He called his dragon and he let us ride. He picked up Kai and we flew back to the bounty.

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