Chapter 2: First Day

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"So, Eric, what do you do for fun around here?" I smile after he tells me he's been going to Camp Falcon for two years. He grins back.

"Well," I stifle a giggle, realizing this will take him forever. "We have camp-wide games and sports, like Capture The Flag, soccer, Ultimate Frisbee-"

"I like Ultimate Frisbee!"

"Shut up. Anyways-"

"Did you tell me to shut up?!"

"God, Kate. No, I didn't tell you to shut up. Anyways, we also have lots of free time, and a dance. It can get pretty crazy around here-"


"Ugh, I was just about to tell you that! Stop interrupting! Anyways, it gets crazy because everyone... huh. No interup-"


"ARGH! Everyone wants to get a date to the dance." He face palms and glares at me. I raise my eyebrows and shrug, smiling innocently. We talk a little longer, but it gets boring and awkward, so he suggests we go to the lake. I say sure, and go to my cabin to get changed into a bikini. Wait... I haven't been in my cabin yet. So that means... cabin mates.


I knock cautiously on my cabin door. I hear excited whispers and giggles, then someone yells "COME ON IN!" and I turn the knob.

I smile... it's her. The girl with the red hair.

"Hey girl! You must be our new cabin mate!" The pretty blonde grins at me.

"Uh, I guess so-"

"Welcome to Cabin 6! I'm Alani, the blonde one's Shayla or Shay, the fellow red head is Kaylee, that sexy beast there is Chanella," She points at a curvy African girl with amazing braided hair. "And lastly, the brunette is Luna... none of us know her and she's really weird..." Alani says in a hushed tone and looks over her shoulder. We all follow her gaze. A thin girl with a flowy skull top is sitting on her bunk with chunky black headphones on and a sketch book in her lap. She must feel us staring at her, because she turns her head around to look at us, smiles strangely, and sticks her tounge out slowly before twisting back towards the wall. I back away. Shit, that girl has serious problems. You don't just turn around and stick your tounge out like a pedophile in front of strangers...

That night, after dinner, we go to Campfire. There are NO counselors at this camp! YES! Well, unless you count Flint. He's the amazing and gay Head of Camp. We roast marshmallows, tell stories, and sing some hearty campfire songs! Turns out Eric has some real talent- he brings his guitar to the fire and sings. Hell, Imma marry this boy tomorrow!

We go to bed soon after the fire and turn out our lights gladly... I'm just loving this place!

This camp is better than I thought…

Hey y'all! Short chapter, I know, but good, yes? I dunno bout you, but I think maaaaaaaybe Kate has a thing for Eric... ;)

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